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men who want to play with cocks

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Started by #61300 at 10,Mar,10 05:25
anyone think about wanting to have plain cockplay with another man but is too afraid of being found out by someone? gettin together with 3 or 4 other likeminded men for jerkin sex and toy sex?

Similar topics: 1.Sucking: Cut or Uncut, preference   2.Deep-closeted bi guys   3.WANT TO PLAY WITH YOUR PUSSY   4.Would you?   5.cock play  

New Comment

By #60507 at 23,Mar,10 06:43
I'm ready for a sexual party with another 4 or 5 hot guys, who wants to joint my group?
By niceonebighead at 20,Feb,17 20:53 other posts of niceonebighead 
im always ready 2 play luv playin with others cocks them playin with mine the more the better

By Olddude at 24,Mar,10 08:20 other posts of Olddude 
All these posts say it all! Finding some one who feels the same way is hard. I would like to try this at least once!
By slipper at 24,Mar,10 17:42 other posts of slipper 
YES, so far away. I'd love to be your first. Do ya like foreskin???

By #18397 at 23,Mar,10 12:52
I love to play with another cock, there is nothing better than two guys getting naked and enjoying each others cocks.. Have done it for a while now, and I LOVE it!! I also love to suck a nice big clean cock..mmmmmmmmmmmmm
By #5594 at 23,Mar,10 14:07
you can play with me anytime
[deleted image]
By #18397 at 23,Mar,10 14:17
I would love to
By slipper at 23,Mar,10 15:51 other posts of slipper 
If you two do, please be sure to take and post pix here!!!!

By #5594 at 24,Mar,10 08:56
why not join us and have some fun
By slipper at 24,Mar,10 17:39 other posts of slipper 
THANK you; I LOVE yours!!!

By spermkiss at 23,Mar,10 06:00 other posts of spermkiss 
I notice that of the five men who have commented on this subject, none is from a major urban area. Here in San Francisco, the gay and alternative sex capitol of the world, it's not especially difficult to hook up with another person of any gender or sexual orientation one wants to find. We have two more or less mainstream alternative weekly newspapers (does that make any sense? by "mainstream alternative" I mean appealing to a general as opposed to a gay audience.) Both have personal ads in their back pages and in the "Men Seeking Men" section hardly a week goes by that there isn't at least one ad placed by a man who identifies as straight who wants to hook up with one or more other men who also identify as straight to play with each other's dicks, fondling, jacking, sucking, etc. I suspect that such hook ups would also be fairly easy in other large urban areas (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc.) For you guys in rural areas and small towns, it might be harder. But that's what the internet is for. Try "Meet Up For Sex" on this very site. And good luck!

By #54774 at 12,Mar,10 02:58
Yes, I really want to have a go at playing with other men's cocks! I play with my own all the time so been wanting to experiment with others for years. I have the same problem as most people. Fear of other people finding out. The sad thing is there are probably loads of people with freinds who feel the same but you can't exactly walk up to your best mate and say 'Fancy having a play with my cock?'. !!!!!!!!

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