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Jerking With A Eighteen Year Old Massise Dick Fantasy

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Started by ThickBigDick at 24,May,23 07:56  other posts of ThickBigDick
Always had the fantasy of playing with a massive long fat dick 8 to 10 inches with an eighteen year old.

Anyone had that sort of luck?

Similar topics: 1.**** fantasy   2.What size of dick take my 19 year ****   3.Slave for Sale   4.How did you convince them to show you their dick?   5.Do I really want to suck or not?  

New Comment

By thicknsmooth at 30,May,23 01:00 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I have a young 20 year old that I met and started playing around with 2 years ago when he was 18 years old. He is skinny and smooth with a beautiful muscular body. He has an amazingly huge beautiful cock. He is definitely the biggest cock I ever had before. I love how long and thick he is. I measured him one night just for kicks. He is 9 inches long and 6 1/2 inches around in circumference with an absolutely beautiful big fat smooth head on his cut dick. I love to suck on his dick when it’s flaccid and feel his cock swell up and get hard in my mouth. He is absolutely amazing to play around with!
By Jimjim at 30,May,23 01:06 other posts of Jimjim 
That sounds so hot! I love comparing with those big guys. I love seeing the size difference
By thicknsmooth at 30,May,23 01:17 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Oh yeah no doubt he is just amazing
By Jimjim at 30,May,23 02:15 other posts of Jimjim 
For me a guy that is on the small size it's always been crazy to compare with someone younger that is well endowed
By Letscompare at 14,Mar,24 23:35 other posts of Letscompare 
Same here. Sooo hot.

By CircPlay at 01,Jun,23 22:15 other posts of CircPlay 
I did when I was younger I followed a guy to a spa rental spot and when we took off our pants we were like wow your uncut to but he was 9” to my 6”

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