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When was everyone's first sexual encounter?

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Started by toesuckerp at 14,Oct,23 13:58  other posts of toesuckerp
Mine was 14 at a school camping trip with a girl that wanted me to put my cock on her tiny tits for like 5 seconds and that's it 😂

Similar topics: 1.Your latest sexual encounter.   2.Has anyone successfully met up with another guy for a discreet sexual encounter before?   3.Has anyone had their first sexual encounter with their mom   4.Best sexual encounter you ever had?   5.sexual encounter with another man  

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By #662360 at 18,Nov,23 16:42
My first sexual encounter with a girl was when I was about 16-17. I was walking home through a park from school when a girl from the girls school next to mine came up to me and asked me if I wanted a hand job. We went into the female public toilets in the park. I dropped my trousers and briefs so my cock was fully out. I was rock hard erect. She lifted her mini skirt and dropped her white cotton knickers so I could see and feel her cunt and bottom. Then she masturbated my cock off till I came and spurted. I’d been masturbated by boys before but being done by a girl was amazing..

By #703641 at 18,Nov,23 15:31
With a girl: I was 14 years and she was 17 years old. I sucked her tits, licked her pussy, and ate her ass

With a guy: I was 19 years old, i sucked a guy

By #514663 at 08,Nov,23 22:54
I was just starting high school, me and my friend got naked and jerked off together when he was staying over

By #694265 at 15,Oct,23 19:59
13th birthday, fucked my stepmothers niece
By toesuckerp at 17,Oct,23 15:41 other posts of toesuckerp 
wow that's young for a first shag haha. How old was she? x

By wycowboy at 17,Oct,23 14:11 other posts of wycowboy 
With a male was with my cousin at about 13 years old. With a female about a year later.

By #693619 at 16,Oct,23 22:05
Hiking the Appalachian trail on a school field trip with my 1st high-school girlfriend!
She finally let me feel her up on the bus on the way there, and then she let me finger her pussy in our sleeping bags.

By Lvphose at 16,Oct,23 05:50 other posts of Lvphose 
Junior senior prom as a junior took date back to parents and hdsex for the first time!

By #690553 at 15,Oct,23 15:48
I was 10 years old when I was sucking a cock. The guys were 15 years old and they dared me to do it

Loved it ever since then

By #700043 at 15,Oct,23 08:42
when, as a baby, i grabbed my own cock.
--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes

and then when older when another male grabbed my cock.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes

and then when eighteen i fucked a beautiful person.

By thicknsmooth at 15,Oct,23 08:34 other posts of thicknsmooth 
It was the summer I was 8 years old. My Dad had a job to do with another man. The man came to help my dad and he had brought his 8 year old grandson along with him. They introduced us both to one another and told us to go play together. He was a brown haired skinny cute boy just like me. I took him back in the woods on our property to show him a stream I always played in. He asked me if I had ever skinny dipped? I told him that I had not and he said do you want to? I said yeah sure and we stripped off all our clothes and stepped into the water. He then asked me if I had ever sucked on a pee pee? I said no have you? He said yeah I have it’s really nice do you want to try? I said sure, he got down on his knees and started sucking on my dick. It was the first time I had ever felt the feeling of having it sucked on, it felt great. He then got up and said your turn. I didn’t hesitate as I quickly kneeled in front of him and started sucking on his dick exploring every single bit of his dick and his balls. Just as quick as it started it was soon over. I never forgot that day and the beautiful experience I had. From that day on I have always enjoyed sucking on a nice cock and getting sucked

By #662360 at 15,Oct,23 05:21
About age late 12 or early 13. At my all boys school we started getting our cocks out for each other and feeling each other’s cocks. I hadn’t started masturbating then but I think a boy might have fingered me to a small cum without me realising the significance of it.

By Maxwell_93 at 14,Oct,23 17:50 other posts of Maxwell_93 
Of driving age with a kinky goth girl who had more to offer than I expected

By #665411 at 14,Oct,23 14:12
I always love this question! Although I’d be exploring boys since I was like 7ish my first real experience was at scout camp me 12 him older! Zero regrets still occasionally jerk off to it
By toesuckerp at 14,Oct,23 14:15 other posts of toesuckerp 
honestly i think a lot of people start around 12ish. It helps if it's with someone older as it makes it less awkward for you aha
By #665411 at 14,Oct,23 14:19
Thanks it was an Amazing experience. It weird I knew I only liked boys well before the experience but that was that proverbial aha moment where it all made sense.

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