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Menopause and sex

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Started by #679491 at 26,Oct,23 12:47
I'm 63 and was very sexually active until wifes menopause arrived 5 years ago. Her sex drive went to 0. We are down to sex once a month, and I feel it's a mercy fuck when we do, fuck. I can go without cumming for 30 mins or longer and I have to keep adding lube which she hates.She does cum most everytime and it's a short lived pleasure. Her hot fluid runs down my cock and drips off my balls. No lube needed for a little bit until I can feel my load building I give her a huge load as deep as i can in her pussy. Its a great fuck and we fit like a glove with tightness.I now masturbate most everyday to keep from having thoughts of cheating on her. She was always shy and timid sexually, but its gotten worse. Anyone else going through this same predicament?

Similar topics: 1.Menopause and Sex....A PROBLEM   2.Wives and hormone therapy: Anyone been down this road?   3.Women go off sex   4.? for the older ladies  

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By nekekal at 01,Nov,23 23:38 other posts of nekekal 
Oh sure. The wife never was much interested in fucking. She was gradually cutting me off. Then she went into menopause. She just quit. No cock in her body. The sad thing was that I used to cum early, but as I got older, I could last longer. I loved this as I really love to fuck, but my wife hated it since she hated to fuck.

I used to get a pity blow job now and again, but now she just tells me to jerk myself off. Which I do daily. But I would pay a lot to get my cock inside of a woman again. Pretty pathetic but true.

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Nov,23 22:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
cat please share your post menopause stories!

By leopoldij at 26,Oct,23 13:48 other posts of leopoldij 
That's why we should think of sex as being separate from love and companionship. If one person in a relationship had sexual needs that the other isn't interested in then that person seeking to have sex with someone else is a good idea and should be seen as part of a normal process.

However, the way we think is influenced by a society that imposes unnatural rules, largely due to fucked up religions, and these rules are often laws, be them written or unwritten. If you examine, however, what I said above, then you'll realize that these rules must be revised.

If you live the revision in the hands of natural evolution of society, it may take, say, another 500 years to get over the religion-imposed rules. By that time you'll be gone. So you got to do what you feel like doing, alays being careful that you live in a society that will immediately have you in the wrong, and so will your wife.

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