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Do you guys find that you have a shy dick?

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Started by #700430 at 18,Nov,23 06:39
There have been times where, my dick is at 100% erect. Rock hard. Ready for jack off time.

But then I grab my phone, ready to take a Pic, and it goes soft on me.

Like I lose the hard erection between the time of getting my camera ready, and taking the dick pic.

Anyone else have this issue sometimes?

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New Comment

By Zainn122 at 06,Mar,24 04:34 other posts of Zainn122 
I get like that at changing rooms, urinals and going to doctors. I always end up super erect but yet when I’m in sexual situations, I get soft and stays like that untill I get a lot of stimulation

By david6799 at 02,Mar,24 11:17 other posts of david6799 
I have definitely had that problem even with the hottest girls and guys! just wish it didn't have to happen,but nice to know its a problem with other guys as well.

By Lvphose at 27,Feb,24 21:22 other posts of Lvphose 
I had the opportunity one time to fuck a chick from behind while she was giving head to my friend and by the time I got to the condom, opened it up and tried to put it on. I was soft man was I disappointed.

By WHATSUPDOC at 19,Nov,23 02:01 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I think with me it is about performance anxiety. Even posing for a picture is the need to perform. Don't look to me to perform . When I just want to fuck and suck I am a monster.
By #700430 at 19,Nov,23 03:41
Makes sense.

Adult Discussion Forum