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wearing boxers after precumming in them

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Started by toesuckerp at 16,May,24 17:29  other posts of toesuckerp
hi guys, i'm currently leaking pre-cum in my tight briefs and wondering if you guys keep them on or change out of them?

i'm asking from a turn-on and hygienic perspective.

should i keep my wet undies on?

Similar topics: 1.Boxers or briefs   2.Wearing Boxer Briefs   3.Boxers or Boxer Briefs?   4.Men's Underwear. Boxers vs. Briefs, which do you prefer?   5.Precum on cocks  

New Comment

By nekekal at 23,May,24 22:36 other posts of nekekal 
I leak precum a lot. So I leave them on or I would need 10 shorts a day. The only downside is sometimes the precum dries on my cock head and sort of glues the head to the material. It hurts a lot to peel them apart.

By fabfun at 20,May,24 06:27 other posts of fabfun 
Few years ago while flying back to the USA I had a lay over flight in Japan.
It was 9hrs long, I went to shopping in sex toy district shop for 5 hrs straight.
Oh man, I'm leaking precum a lot while shopping around. It soaking wet and all sticky to the balls.

Guess what? I keep them on for another 13hrs connecting flight from Japan to USA!!
When I got home and took it off the musky smell hit me hard
I sniff it while jerking off for 5hrs

So, if you leaking precum, KEEP THEM ON!! the smell is wonderful!

By #715578 at 16,May,24 20:19
Keep 'em on, they'll have a nice musk

Adult Discussion Forum