| For many of you that have been around for years, you will remember the beautiful blonde that went by Morgasm. "She" was the most popular woman on the site. The guy who was pretending to be her confided in me who the real Morgan was.... He actually knew her. I have spoken to the real Morgan on Insta. She is happily married with kids. Luckily the fake Morgasm never effected the real Morgan, but something to think about... that could have gone horribly wrong if someone she knew found the fake account and then told people. The nudes were not of her, actually a canadian woman that used to go by xkarma6xx on reddit. The guy who made the fake account was definitely going through some stuff and never should have made the account, but As I got to know him, he was a good guy who fucked up... thought I would post on here since i still get asked about Morgasm and if she was real. There is a real Morgan, but Morgasm was pics of two different women and the account ran by a guy. |
I'm not sure whether you saw this blog however there is a member that feels that there are less than one dozen "real women" on this site and he bases his conclusion on the fact that on his super sized list of what he believes are not women, he was unable to find a verification type photo.