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When the wife’s away…

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Started by BigDaddy132 at 09,Aug,24 03:38  other posts of BigDaddy132
My wife and daughter are leaving town Sunday for a few hours. I think I’m going to see how many prostate orgasms I can have riding a big rubber cock. Gets me hard thinking about it. Haven’t been with a guy but I fantasize about having someone just fuck the cum right out of me. Anyone else do this when their spouse vacates for a few hours?

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New Comment

By wycowboy at 14,Aug,24 15:29 other posts of wycowboy 
I love it when my wife is away and takes her mom (she lives with us) along. I can get naked and play without getting caught. I always have a good cum.

By Jamie at 14,Aug,24 15:27 other posts of Jamie 
Oh yes I had fun when my wife left to work. I work nights so I had a good wank in the mornings. Now I do it at nights when she's in bed..

By KdD42 at 14,Aug,24 14:17 other posts of KdD42 
Yes. I spend the entire time jerking off. Sometimes I take a few snapchats to post.

By knewbi at 09,Aug,24 13:58 other posts of knewbi 
Oh hell yeah. Before my wife retired I would jerk off and play every day. Some days I would get together with one or more of my guy friends. After she retired I only get to jerk when she goes shopping or leaves the house. I so miss my daily sessions. You really should find a guy or two and give it a try. You are going to love it.

Adult Discussion Forum