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Saggy Granny's friend Rhanda-Lynn on site!

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 16,Sep,24 15:00  other posts of Sir-Skittles

Saggy's longtime friend, Rhanda-Lynn has joined the site. She is just like you pictured her! A true lump!

Has she possibly been here before as Mandy? Hmmmmm

Welcome to hell Rhanda-Lynn

#610414 trash sticks together!

Similar topics: 1.The Saggy Granny- Twowarmstts2 aka Hotpussy   2.Have you been banned by the Saggy Granny? If so, why?   3.A Saggy Granny Christmas Poll!   4.Ding dong ding ding- Saggy Granny is gone!!   5.The Saggy Granny- now member #610414  

New Comment

By tecsan at 18,Sep,24 04:43 other posts of tecsan 
Control your girlfriend sir-skittles.

By tecsan at 17,Sep,24 01:21 other posts of tecsan 
I new that was one of your nick's here, Rhanda-Lynn. Who really thinks someone else (you know who) come up with that name or pics? Oh I get it you are fucking Rhanda-Lynn. Sorry, keep taking one for the team.
By #722260 at 17,Sep,24 04:54
Helll there sweetie, fellow lesbian here. You have a pretty clitty clit cat there.
By tecsan at 17,Sep,24 05:39 other posts of tecsan 
Learn to spell 'HELL" what a fucking idiot. Fellow hetersexual here and like beautiful women.
By #722260 at 17,Sep,24 11:34
Sure you are sweet cheeks. Hear that gender dysmorphia is tough. Ask your docs to up your testosterone a bit. Hopefully it will enlarge your clit a bit.
By tecsan at 18,Sep,24 04:41 other posts of tecsan 
Fuck no, might make me a fucking pig like you.

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Sep,24 00:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You look very thirsty Rhanda-Lynn

By tecsan at 17,Sep,24 10:14 other posts of tecsan 
Before you go dumpster diving again sir-skittles, you can always come by here and I will give all the trash to you want without dumpster diving.

By tecsan at 17,Sep,24 01:28 other posts of tecsan 
You also have proven the type of women you prefer. You have many pics of them.

Hey 'sug' you want me to help you find your next woman?
By #722260 at 17,Sep,24 04:55
Would you? At my age I don’t get out much anymore. I think Charlie’s getting tired of sharing his Candy with me.
By tecsan at 17,Sep,24 05:41 other posts of tecsan 
Allright skittles call off the pig.

By PITBULL at 16,Sep,24 19:00 other posts of PITBULL 
Hey Saggy Granny is that your twin sister
By Sir-Skittles at 16,Sep,24 19:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Her lump neighbor and bestie-

Looks like Saggy got her sucked into the site now!

A benefit for no one here! A pear shaped muppet!
By #722260 at 16,Sep,24 21:00
Gosh, u aint have to be so mean Sug. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
By Sir-Skittles at 16,Sep,24 21:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Get back in yer box, practice girl!
By PITBULL at 17,Sep,24 00:20 other posts of PITBULL 

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