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The Saggy Granny- now member #610414

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 07,Oct,24 12:29  other posts of Sir-Skittles
The Saggy Granny- AKA cat, Twowarms, Hotpussy, etc etc,

She has not left the site as as nearly everyone knows, is back as #610414

She recently boasted that no one here knows who the Saggy Granny is..



Similar topics: 1.Member CAT Reporting Members -   2.The Saggy Granny- and her poor decisions on the site   3.One down, one to go!   4.The Saggy Granny being her true self- A racist pig!   5.Hi Saggy Granny! #610414  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 13,Oct,24 14:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Like a criminal on the run, the Saggy Granny has changed up her name yet again!


A total muppet.
By CAT52! at 13,Oct,24 19:44 other posts of CAT52! 
It's the number of the member that sent a text of a pic that was stolen by Skittles to my daughter. The pic was from an old account of mine. It depics me giving a blow job to a man. This person has connections to one of Skittles girlfriend. I'll post the pic with the phone number showing on the text in the next few days.

By CAT52! at 13,Oct,24 20:03 other posts of CAT52! 
This was posted by Skittles in Freddy's thread

I heard your scummy daughter, is looking at joining this site.

"It" has been contacted by a member here...

610414 was my old name here

By AngelofDeath at 13,Oct,24 22:19 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Apparently she thinks this number is yours or a girlfriend associated with you .😂
By Sir-Skittles at 14,Oct,24 02:03 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Like I would be dumb enough to do that

But since Saggy wants to escalate things- fuck around see what happens cunt (786)530-8870

By Sir-Skittles at 10,Oct,24 00:23 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Saggy Granny! You are site pestilence and a drain on society! Welfare grifting rat cunt!

By tecsan at 11,Oct,24 06:16 other posts of tecsan 
I dont know her that well.
By PITBULL at 12,Oct,24 14:11 other posts of PITBULL 
She has sent you gifts in the past. So she knows you very well.

By CAT52! at 12,Oct,24 13:40 other posts of CAT52! 
Sorry, Bronx rat, I do very well without welfare.
By Sir-Skittles at 12,Oct,24 14:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You dumb bitch- you forgot to re-ban me... You paid dearly for that!

Your scummy page is fucked up!
By CAT52! at 12,Oct,24 16:58 other posts of CAT52! 
I don't want to reban you. At least not yet. Go have fun while "I don't give a fuck"
Tell the truth. Without me, who would you pillory? You LOVE me.

By PITBULL at 12,Oct,24 16:39 other posts of PITBULL 
tecsan you are fuck up, attacking a member that doesn't exist. You and your friend bella! "sing the same song"

By PITBULL at 07,Oct,24 12:34 other posts of PITBULL 
hey Saggy Granny you can change your name as many times as you want and we will track you down.
By Sir-Skittles at 07,Oct,24 14:20 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
100 percent Saggy Granny!

Like on her 10th name change! She is trailed!
By tecsan at 08,Oct,24 05:32 other posts of tecsan 
Well it was quite obvious like when freddy changed his name.
By AngelofDeath at 08,Oct,24 07:43 other posts of AngelofDeath 
People like her never leave, like flys and stink on shit.
By tecsan at 08,Oct,24 07:48 other posts of tecsan 
Hmm. Wonder where that comment come from. Out of your undecisive ass I bet.
By AngelofDeath at 08,Oct,24 12:54 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Well we all know it wasn’t from you. You have the mental intelligence of a scribble on a gloryhole wall. The word you’re thinking of is indecisive. 🙄🤨😂
By tecsan at 09,Oct,24 08:00 other posts of tecsan 
🩷🩷My sweetheart🩷🩷

Nope you got the meaning with undecisive. Are you further trying to describe yourself. I am flattered.
By AngelofDeath at 09,Oct,24 11:24 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Try again numb nuts. Indecisive is the proper word.You’re trying to use it as adjective, indecisive means not decisive. Undecisive isn’t a word. Not agreeing this describes me either. Numb nuts is perfect for you however.
By tecsan at 11,Oct,24 06:13 other posts of tecsan 
Nice sweeheart. I do think undecisive works well though. undecisive
Related to undecisive: indecisive.

Look it up sweetheart.

By phart at 09,Oct,24 12:26 other posts of phart 
not a good comparison, shit eventually rots and the flys leave
By AngelofDeath at 09,Oct,24 21:49 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Meh. Disagree, as long as there is shit, it will stink. As long as it stinks there will be flies. Every life form shits. It’s every where, you just flushed one away.
By phart at 10,Oct,24 01:15 other posts of phart 
well maybe if we put a hog lagoon at 1 end of the county we can draw all the flys away from us!
By tecsan at 11,Oct,24 06:15 other posts of tecsan 
My sweetheart is referring to flyshit aka mongo.

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