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Started by admin at 12,Apr,10 22:08  other posts of admin
As you can see I've made some changes, following the recommendations of some members.

I will probably be working more on "profiles", for now I just managed to separate them from account options and add avatars, also slightly change sex and sexual preferences options. It's quite hard to make changes with the site running...

Main purpose of the avatars is to make your profiles and comments more recongnizable. As some members say - "I have hundreds of friends but never can remember who they are from the nicknames".

Now I automatically crop avatars from your best pics. But you are free to upload your own pics. As I said - avatars are just for better recognition, so you can upload any pic, including toons or some famous public persons if you like. I mean - it does not have to be your face or your dick.

Please give me some feedback on these features. Also advice, where in other places you would like to see the avatars. I do not show them anywhere for now as it would be ugly or unnecessary in some places. But I could miss some place they fit good.

P.S. My own avatar is simply a test picture, it's not me, obviously.

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New Comment

By bella! at 01,Jun,14 09:52 other posts of bella! 
Please read admin's words regarding avatars, "they are for better recognition, so you can upload ANY pic." Panel members should not be voting to delete members because of their avatar. Be consistent and be fair.

Admin also said; "If it appears later that the member was deleted unjustly - all members who were in favour of the deletion will be deleted and banned from the site."
By #68656 at 01,Jun,14 10:24
That was tried before and it flew back in the face of those who tried that caper a few months back.
Was this another attempt to have Mr. Duck, myself and the other panel members removed.?????
By bella! at 01,Jun,14 12:17 other posts of bella! 
Was what another attempt and what "caper" are you referring to? My post was a reminder for panel members to use the GUIDELINES ESTABLISHED BY ADMIN. I would like to think panel members are not acting as puppets or in any way influenced by anything or anyone else. It is sad that this site can be like the 'Wild West', shoot first, ask questions later. It is my hope that voting members are CONSISTENT and FAIR when they cast each vote.

By #451600 at 08,Mar,14 20:43
It would be nice if we could delete private messages so we don't have a bunch of them cluttering up our screens.
By bella! at 08,Mar,14 21:03 other posts of bella! 
Private messages auto delete in 30 days. So if you or a particular member do not converse for 30 days, POOF!, gone. If you are referring to the messages on your wall, you can delete those but when you do, points are deducted from the member that posted that message ( and then you will find yourself being 'talked' about in the other thread, " What makes you block somebody or delete comments".

By bella! at 06,Mar,14 14:40 other posts of bella! 
I will bump this post to the top to remind members that from the mouth of admin, avatars can be toons, famous public people and I'm sure he meant to say "etc"........

By #60534 at 13,Apr,10 12:46
Who has visited my profile and seen which pics. It should be known to us whenever we login. This new feature should be added to this site. Admin...please think about it.
By admin at 13,Apr,10 15:15 other posts of admin 
It not that difficult to make, but it will consume additional server resources. I probably can do this for the profiles but not for pics. Thanks for the idea, anyway.

By admin at 13,Apr,10 16:09 other posts of admin 
Just made it. Look at menu "Social" -> "Who visited your page?"
By #68818 at 14,Apr,10 16:12
Thanks for adding this new feature. There is a little bit problem for new user that they are unable to edit profile from Membership Menu>>Edit profile. Its not working.
By admin at 15,Apr,10 05:52 other posts of admin 
Must be fixed now.

By hornybrit at 13,Apr,10 19:51 other posts of hornybrit 
All the bisexual guys now have "straight - interested in men and women" on their profile. The upgrade obviously piced up the 'interested in men and women' from the old settings, but not the orientation. also, as these are now seperate profile choices, surely you could put yourself as 'straight - interested in men' or 'gay - interested in women'?

By #23212 at 15,Apr,10 02:43
No, "all" of them do not! You don't seem to have realized that some have intentionally put 'straight--interested in men and women' because that is exactly what they are! This was not done by "the upgrade".

By #56691 at 14,Apr,10 11:49
I like the avatars and the ability to see who visited my page, but I agree with many, we should be able to disable the avatar if we so choose.
By admin at 14,Apr,10 14:11 other posts of admin 
You now can delete the avatar in Edit Your Profile.

By slipper at 14,Apr,10 00:50 other posts of slipper 
Max size??? Thx! Of the avatar, that is!

By #61033 at 13,Apr,10 17:20
This is brilliant!!! Thanks

By #59855 at 13,Apr,10 17:16
From Matt's Wife: We like it!!

By #19575 at 13,Apr,10 03:47
Great idea with the new avitar ! I think you deserve a pat on the back for coming up with this cool idea ! Especially since everyone is able to change there avitar , if they want to ! So again , ... "Kudos" to you Admin !!! :-)
By #19575 at 13,Apr,10 12:41
Ok , what gives ? I have changed my Avitar 3 different times now and it keeps defaulting back to your original photo , why ? My new photo is still in my "Edit Profile" , but it always shows the original ..... "Need Help Fast" :-)
By admin at 13,Apr,10 15:12 other posts of admin 
Caching problem most likelly.

I have changed the settings of avatars directory, so it does not get cached anymore, but you probably still need to refresh image anyway.

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 13,Apr,10 09:47 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By MoeJoe at 13,Apr,10 08:57 other posts of MoeJoe 
Very nice...I like the profile avatars.....well done!

By #11554 at 13,Apr,10 07:46
really nice upgrade! Thanks!

By #22155 at 12,Apr,10 23:28
i think the avatars are cool, and i think im happy with mine, but i am curious: how did you decide what the 'best' pics were to crop avatars from? highest rated?
By admin at 13,Apr,10 03:13 other posts of admin 
Yes, you can say highest rated.

You can always change the avatar, I simply made those automatically so that everyone was aware of this possibility.

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