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Wierd story? or not?

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Started by #13269 at 17,Apr,10 13:04
Yesterday i slept over my friends house. He is straight. When we were getting ready to go out to a club i took a shower at his bathroom. . So as i was taking a shower he goes like " In 20 mins we gotta be both ready so can i come take a quick shower with you?" Me, never being shy i said ok no prob. As we were both showering i notices he was hard for like 7-10 mins and he was looking at my cock all the time. he even commented that i have a beautiful dick. Does that mean he's gay?

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By onthelose at 16,Sep,18 04:22 other posts of onthelose 
Spermkiss is right. By the way who was it exactly that determined who we could have sex with, be they male or female,. I am thinking that religion reared it ugly head when that decision was made.

By #566722 at 15,Sep,18 20:56
Might be he is BI or Bi-curious.

By #64328 at 28,Nov,17 18:45
its doesnt mean hes gay. Most guy like seeing other cocks.

By #37169 at 18,Apr,10 03:28
I dunno if he's gay or not but he was certainly asking for cock play!
By spermkiss at 18,Apr,10 16:24 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, he certainly was. Go for it!

By spermkiss at 17,Apr,10 22:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Not so wierd at all. Sexual orientation is a very fluid thing and most people are capable of a lot of different sexual responses. He might be gay, he might be bisexual and he might be straight but curious about what it's like to be with another guy. You should be honored that he thought you were a safe choice to do some experimenting with.

As lovesumcock has said, I think that you should keep putting yourself in situations were sex with this guy can happen. It could not only be a lot of fun, but it could also be a very rewarding experience. Even if it grows into a full on affair with sex as a regular feature, if neither you nor he is not already gay or bisexual, it's not going to make you that way. Your sexual orientation is hard wired into your brains and it cannot be changed.

Adult Discussion Forum