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bicurious maybe?????

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Started by #68214 at 22,Apr,10 13:07
I've always been curious but never was in the position to act on it......I love women but lately I've been having intense dreams of getting head and fucking ass....what to do?????

Similar topics: 1.BiCurious in Rio Grande Valley in south Texas   2.Does anyone else in your family know if you are gay/bisexual/bicurious and how did they re-act when they found out?   3.Is the Brighton Sauna good for bicurious men?   4.CraigsList, Yey or Ney?   5.Are you turned on by giving bicurious dudes their first cock to suck on?  

New Comment

By Sharkie at 25,Apr,10 11:23 other posts of Sharkie 
You'll never know if you never try... no harm in experimenting.

By hytiger at 25,Apr,10 11:02 other posts of hytiger 
Those are both things women are capable of, so I can't see a problem here!

By spermkiss at 24,Apr,10 01:21 other posts of spermkiss 
Sexual orientation is a very fluid thing and most men are capable of responding to both men and women. It is not at all unusual for a man of one orientation to have dreams and/or fantasies of the other. In other words, straight men sometimes think about gay sex and gay men sometimes think about straight sex. I'm as gay as they come and I often have straight fantasies. I've even acted on them and had sex with women (most gay men have). This didn't turn me straight or even bisexual.

So if you're curious, take a guy for a test drive. And don't worry about it turning you gay. Your sexual orientation is hard wired into your brain and it cannot be changed, no matter how much fooling around you might do. So unless you're already gay or bisexual (which is possible because you may have repressed it), having a fling with a guy isn't going to turn you gay.

Send me a Private Message if you want more guidance in this area.

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