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Does anyone else in your family know if you are gay/bisexual/bicurious and how did they re-act when they found out?

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Started by #226414 at 01,Mar,12 00:35
My two daughters know and have no problem with me being bi-sexual.

Similar topics: 1.BiCurious in Rio Grande Valley in south Texas   2.Upside down low (gay bi and DL men only)   3.Is the Brighton Sauna good for bicurious men?   4.Are all men bicurious?   5.Have you ever found someones sex toy?  

New Comment

By gayguy at 09,Jun,24 06:30 other posts of gayguy 
Told my daughter, she said she was glad I'm not alone

By Jamie at 27,Sep,23 03:30 other posts of Jamie 
My wife knows I'm bi.
By Cody8789 at 09,Jun,24 05:48 other posts of Cody8789 
Jamie, your wife knows I’m bi also

By #716043 at 08,Jun,24 22:40
My wife knows I had plenty of bisex before I met her. Also my Mom knew.

By #699038 at 27,Sep,23 13:15
My family might have a few clues but they might be my family but i will never fill in blanks basicly i dont think what i do and who i do it with behind closed doors is not realy any of there business but thats how i think as it would make no difference if i did tell them or if i keep it to myself this is why i didnt tell them

By Renmah69 at 26,Sep,23 17:37 other posts of Renmah69 
My father caught me sucking our elderly neighbours cock . He walked me back home still naked and bent me over the bonnet of the car and smacked my bum with his belt. The next day he drove me to a house on a large property and made me take my clothes of and get out of the car. He drove of and left me standing there naked at the gate. An elderly man came walking up and smacked my bum with a riding crop and told me to follow him. I had a dog collar put on my neck and a leash attached before being walked to a kennel and tied to it.after a couple of hours a man came and made me suck his cock,this happened a number of times and I was covered with cum. I was then taken to a spot out in the open and hosed of and my lead tied to a table that I was told to lay on. I was then surrounded by at least 10 men that were naked with Hardin's,I was then gangbanged by them all for about an hour or more then taken back to the front gate and left there,I was then put in the back of a ute and driven home and dropped of at our house. My father didn't say a word and what he thought was a punishment ended up being a regular thing

By bigone21 at 04,Mar,12 20:12 other posts of bigone21 
my mother was the best!! she would proudly tell about her new son in low! (my bf, for 19 years now).

she did not care shit what anybody might think or say, she was happy for me, having found the guy of my life!

thanks mama! i will never forget you!
By bigone21 at 04,Mar,12 20:14 other posts of bigone21 
and no, being openminded, she would not mind me being on a site like this!

By #34282 at 04,Mar,12 17:05
Yes and they were fine with it, not because they are offended with me being bi but because they're indifferent.

By #135959 at 04,Mar,12 15:41
No its better this way

By #147052 at 01,Mar,12 17:49
no. and i keep it that way.

Adult Discussion Forum