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Cum without touching

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Started by #61396 at 05,May,10 04:47
Has anyone ever managed to cum without touching their penis, I have done on numerous occassions. My girlfriend teases me without touching me and not allowing me to touch my penis.......I get so excited I just explode.....and then she licks me clean

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By #519017 at 25,Oct,16 19:09
Yeah. My girl (before she became my wife) were undressing each other once. We'd got down to our underwear, my briefs and her bra and panties, and I got so hot I jerked in my briefs. Possibly my hard up cock had been brushing against her though.

By #514663 at 25,Oct,16 12:53
I can yea. Just a matter of turning myself on and clenching the right muscles down there and I'll cum eventually. Also happens sometimes with anal, or if I'm super aroused or go long periods of time without it there's been couple times I can't control it and I've cum spontaneously

By #64328 at 10,Mar,15 18:52
I had a couple friends growing up that could make themselves cum handfree. It always amazed me...and definitly turned me on to watch

By teetee at 02,Dec,14 16:25 other posts of teetee 
this is hands free...also video of it at my page.

By #468528 at 26,Nov,14 18:33
I have literally come sooo close... tried every feasible method I know of. Hypnosis, nlp and other mind techniques but just not getting over that last hurdle. Any chance of compiling everyone's achievements so the rest of us can get there? would be much appreciated.

By #289712 at 13,Feb,14 12:58
Im gonna have to work on this

By DeepThroatThis at 12,Feb,14 19:19 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
yes.....I get my dick up close to the jets of the swimming pool returns and cum that way.....that counts right

By #447395 at 12,Feb,14 15:36
I'm do you do it? I've been exited enough that brushing up again something while fully clothed has caused me to orgasm but contact with my penis has always been necessary.
By #358797 at 12,Feb,14 16:22
I don't know if it works the same way for guys, but I can hit orgasm without being touched... If I'm turned on enough, contracting the muscles down there can set me off.

By Nevermore at 11,Feb,14 11:17 other posts of Nevermore 
I found I can do this, and the more I practiced the easier it was. Now I can make it happen in a few seconds and my cock doesn't even always go fully hard before I start to shoot my load.

By #30090 at 10,Jun,10 04:51
i would love 2...ive tried many times but always gave in after awhile
By #6568 at 10,Jun,10 07:26
Try Isabella Valentine at mediafire (dot) com
By #30090 at 21,Jun,10 04:20
tried it....many times...didn't work

By #64328 at 12,Jun,10 19:25
I have only once. A girlfriend said she could make me cum without touching my dick. I told her no way it could be done. She just lightly fondled my balls. After a while about 10 minutes I told her I didnt think it was going to happen. She told me it just take a while and she was right. About 45 minutes later I had one of the longest and most intense orgasms of my life. It was truely incredible.

I also had a best friend as kids that could do it. He would just tense up his muscles repeatedly making his dick bounce. He called it doing jumping jacks and after a couple minutes he would shoot at least 3 feet. I definatly thought it was pretty neat, but could never do it myself. Not that I didnt try many times.

By #12793 at 13,May,10 01:06
I wish I could do it.
can you tell me how it works??
By #6568 at 10,Jun,10 07:31
It's possible by means of autogenic training which gives the trained mind control over the physical body,...simple autogenics include deep relaxation techniques and then making your fingers move by imagination only,, you imagine that your fingers are moving of their own accord and once the sub-concious mind gets the idea they do.

By spermkiss at 10,May,10 16:52 other posts of spermkiss 
I've never been able to climax withoput penis stimulation myself, but I've fucked several guys who came while I was fucking them without any penis stimulation. Some men are fortunate enough to be able to climax with prostate stimulation thru anal penetration.
By #51247 at 10,May,10 22:51
That must be an awesome feeling to be able to cum through prostate stimulation alone!!
By spermkiss at 11,May,10 05:05 other posts of spermkiss 
I know, I wish I could do it.

By #23212 at 10,Jun,10 07:21
I can say from personal experience that it IS an awesome feeling!

By #6568 at 10,May,10 16:34
About 18 months back a lady hypnotist got herself alot of publicity by placing online a recording of her spoken thoughts/method of self-hynotism to achieve orgasm without any physical stimulation but i can't remember her name......

........Personally, I find the physical stimulation more than half the pleasure!

EDIT: Isabella Valentine,...mediafire (dot) com
By #72223 at 11,May,10 00:03
oldbugle does all the time when hes preying on the young, why are you still here? you should have been deleted by admin after what you did you sick fucking bastard or are you indeed admin?
By #6568 at 11,May,10 08:30
Oh John!...PLEASE give it a rest! You KNOW I don't "prey" on anybody here, or anywhere... can't you just grow up and stop coming here just to cause trouble?......

........Other wise these pages are jsut going to turn into a slanging match ,to the detriment (look it up!) of all the other members believe me!!!
By #72223 at 11,May,10 20:07
bugle its not just a story I made up, other members sore your comments to that underaged guy, it was there for all to see untill I reported it to admin who then deleted it, its got nothing to do with me its all about you, why are you still here for your actions, why hasn't that spineless fucking admin deleted you or are you admin? As for my name you may call me what you like, it dosn't change what you are and I won't let up untill yourve gone from this site and if it takes a slanging match to do it then thats fine with me, all other members do not beleive you, maybe only those members that like you also prey on the young may ake your side
By #6568 at 11,May,10 20:36
John, you are a sick man and i genuinely feel sorry for you!.......

........But, I will NEVER be forced off of this site by your malevalence!

By slipper at 11,May,10 05:16 other posts of slipper 

By #69767 at 05,May,10 06:01
I can do it! I've done it all over the place. On the bus, in malls, in line waiting for things. The only problem is the subsequent... wetness...
By spermkiss at 10,May,10 16:48 other posts of spermkiss 
Wow! I wish I could do that. The idea of coming in a public place with other people around is so exciting that I'd deal with the wetness issues.

By #3997 at 10,May,10 15:56
Done it so many times in my sleep and actual cum, from a real steamy dream and I have woken up like in the dream i am cumming in her, and feel my cock pumping and will see a huge load of cum in my underwear or on the sheets if i am not wearing any, its pretty hott and I love it

By #59855 at 06,May,10 04:34
From Matt's Wife: I have made Matt cum without touching his cock. But I do have to touch his balls.
By #10886 at 09,May,10 20:31
Would you touch mine???
By #59855 at 10,May,10 04:23
From Matt's Wife:

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