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Is it wrong for my sister and i to be nudists together?

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Started by #65942 at 26,May,10 03:59
my sister and 2 friends caught me naked by my pool. Since then we all enjoy being naked together, or in the company of another one of us. we (my sis and i) even go on nudist vacations together. I think it's kinda hot in a way, cause we're both good looking. What do you think about this?

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New Comment

By Dong69 at 22,Feb,23 02:18 other posts of Dong69 
Don't worry about it , it's normal, it only becomes abnormal when people object!!!

By wycowboy at 11,Feb,23 20:25 other posts of wycowboy 
My sister and I have been naked around each other most of our lives, 50+ years. I don't see a problem with it.

By #677384 at 11,Feb,23 01:54
I think it's hot too..nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of a naked good looking body. I am the same way with my sexy cousin...we enjoy hanging out naked together.

By Dev01 at 10,Feb,23 12:51 other posts of Dev01 
Yes, weird 12 yr ago and still now. And it's always weird people that resurrect a 12yr old thread.

By Alwaysnude at 10,Feb,23 04:35 other posts of Alwaysnude 
Its family no big deal Had a roomate whis sister wouldskinny dip with us she did not care about naked boys

By #7976 at 09,Feb,11 00:51
I can't see for the life of me why it would make any difference. Nudity is normal and at some point in every day everyone gets naked. Society and nature have determined that we wear clothes in public as the norm but in truth, being nude in front of others in your family or in your social life is quite normal.

I am a nudist and I go to nude beaches with my family. I am a nudist at home where my family lives with me and we don't have any hang ups about being nude in private or in a public venue where nudity is permissible. I DO NOT have any sexual desires for anyone in my family, my lovely wife excluded, so who cares whether we're nude or clothed.

OK, back to you. If you and your friends and your sister enjoy nude sunning and going on nude vacations, more power to you. Enjoy your lovely bodies and let them breath in natures bounty. Don't worry about others, they don't matter. And as long as you and your sister are comfortable, that's all that counts.

By #44980 at 31,May,10 19:00
Nothing wrong with being nude with her, and nothing wrong with going further if both of age, consent, and use protection.

By #43515 at 27,May,10 11:46
As long as you "both" are enjoying yourselves, doesn't matter what you do together.

By slipper at 27,May,10 01:11 other posts of slipper 
YES, it is wrong... if you don't show us pix!!!

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