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Sucking my first cock!!!

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Started by #73263 at 11,Jun,10 09:30
Currently setting up a "date" to have my first M/M encounter...Really wanna do a good job sucking him off,(don't think it will go beyond oral), any suggestions on our first meeting??? I am really nervous about this...Any help is appreciated...

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New Comment

By spermkiss at 11,Jun,10 18:19 other posts of spermkiss 
Just relax and do what comes naturally. You've got a cock yourself, so you know what feels good. Be careful not to let your teeth scrape anything. When the man reaches his climax, roll the sperm around in your mouth, savor the flavor and then swallow it. Then take pride in the fact that you've brought another man to orgasm and given him sexual satisfaction. This is a really good feeling.
By #48198 at 12,Jun,10 22:07
Its only a good feeling if you`re positively gay. I wouldn`t feel good about it or have pride in it. Not everyone thinks like that.
By spermkiss at 13,Jun,10 16:46 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, you're right about one thing in saying that not everyone thinks like that. And being gay or stright does not have a lot to do with a man's thinking on the subject of giving oral sex. There are a lot of gay men who do not especially like to suck cocks and are not very good at it. Heaven knows I've received plenty of mediocre blow jobs from gay men. On the other hand, there are a lot of straight men who really like to suck other men off and who are very good at it. A couple of dozen have sucked me off.

Whenever I bring up the subject of straight men sucking cock, invariably there are comments that any man who sucks cocks cannot be straight. I have to disagree. This has been discussed at length here on the Forum and I have to assert that there are a lot of straight cocksuckers out there.

By slipper at 11,Jun,10 20:40 other posts of slipper 
Remember... take and post pix!!!

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