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is anyone a Cher fan?

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Started by #11177 at 18,Apr,09 20:25
totally random, i know, but i'm just curious...

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By kebmo at 21,Dec,16 10:10 other posts of kebmo 
I bought my girlfriend (ex now) and her Mom tickets to see her in Calgary once. They are big time fans. I think they were in the third row and both wore kld's birthday hats because it was Mom's birthday. They got picked up by security and ushered backstage during the intermission to meet her! Cher was very classy and it was so considerate of her to invite them backstage.
By #485312 at 21,Dec,16 12:51
wow, lm envious of your ex gf and her mum , what an honour, shes a legend of her time...super sexy and dared to push the envelopes...*Lix*

By pifad at 25,Feb,10 17:39 other posts of pifad 
If I could turn back time.........
By bella! at 17,Oct,16 01:17 other posts of bella! 
Geez, pifad, I suddenly had a vision of you in fishnet stockings and thigh high leather boots.

By #485312 at 17,Oct,16 07:09
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I love Cher *lix*

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