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Started by #5405 at 16,Jul,10 03:47
Im considering shaving off my pubes to make my penis look A LOT BIGGER and more MANLY. What do you think I should do and WHY?

Similar topics: 1.To shave or not to shave, that is the question? people who shave shave or not to shave   4.Why do guys shave their pubes ? shave or not to shave ?  

New Comment

By #281008 at 02,Nov,17 05:08
please ur F@#$%^G self who cares

By #542291 at 02,Nov,17 02:49
It looks and feels great and the guys luv it .

By #543844 at 31,Oct,17 22:14
I just shaved smooth today You will love how it feels to your touch It gives you that little boy look After you do it you want to show everyone

By #543844 at 29,Oct,17 19:31
Yes you should do it It will feel great Most of women I've been with it doesn't bother them at all Some even really like it

By pifad at 17,Jul,10 02:22 other posts of pifad 
Do as you please. I like your little cock anyway.

By sailor at 17,Jul,10 01:16 other posts of sailor 
Your decision. Try it you might like it . If not it grows back. Just do it. I like smooth.

By #59855 at 16,Jul,10 18:18
From Matt's Wife: Well I love a shaved cock so I would say yes. But be careful

Adult Discussion Forum