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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #20730 at 17,Jul,10 05:52
i was banned from chat because i stood up for people monted (king of site) was harassing, i think this is bullshit as i have never done anything wrong on this site

Similar topics: 1.admin gay or straight or other   2.Auto logout...Question for Admin.   3.RANDOM BULLSHIT.......DUMPSTER EDITION!   4.Deletions,alexblue,monted and the admin,   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 13:17
Again with the "King" nonsense? Jeebus...

By #431354 at 28,Sep,14 13:19
Take note Queen Smelladump
By bella! at 30,Sep,14 17:06 other posts of bella! 
You're really pathetic.

I will break this down into small words with lots of pictures so you will easily understand.

Ur a weezil.
--------------------------------------- added after 64 minutes

Sa-ree, weezil is a BIG wurd.

Ur a wurm.

By admin at 18,Jul,10 13:20 other posts of admin 
1. You can blacklist any member in chat and do not see their messages. Same can do any other member, "being harassed" included.

2. You now all have your own chat rooms where you can gather other members and blacklist the members you do not like, they won't be even able to enter.

On my opinion based upon over 10 year internet experience - ignoring is the best way to deal with internet assholes.

If instead of doing above you prefer to push your own opinion on other members without having any support or influence - that is what usually happens - you lose.

If you want to control this site - get power to do this. Get support from other members, organize them, or just spend money if you are not able to do that. This is how real life works, if you have not realized it yet: if you don't have any power or influence - you can't change anything.

Addressing me will not help you much, though. I'm reluctant to waste my time on investigations of your utterly insignificant feuds. My consideration is simple - If monted (or any other member for this matter) would be such an asshole as you imagine, nothing would help him against over 30 thousands members. The thing is - he has a lot of friends and supporters on this site. In other words - he knows how life works and you, regrettably, don't.

Adult Discussion Forum