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not trying to sound like a whiny individual but.....

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Started by #20730 at 22,Jul,10 03:43
as some may know i got in a minor feud with monted and he got 200 points taken away from me, now he has gotten the rest of my points banished and has filled my gifts on my page with unpleasant things. he is a classless individual that needs to get off his high horse and stop living his life through a social networking site. until a week ago i loved this site and he has sucked all the enjoyment of it from me as im sure he has others. the only reason ive not left is because of friends ive made and the fact im not gonna let a poor individual ruin whats left of my enjoyment

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New Comment

By bella! at 28,Sep,14 13:16 other posts of bella! 
Does this sound familiar to anyone?

By #10886 at 22,Jul,10 12:18
I don't know what everyones problem is with monted....I have been on here fore a while, and never had any hassles. Just give him a good whack with your foreskin and he will settle right down.....except maybe in Seattle.
By #23212 at 24,Jul,10 06:29
Oh, I had no idea that you were required to be circumsized to settle in Seattle! If you're not, do you go to Portland, OR, or Vancouver, BC, or can you just live in Tacoma?
By #35740 at 25,Jul,10 03:09
By #23212 at 25,Jul,10 03:26
Sorry, but I was trying to be humourous here with 'foreskins4ever' only, and absolutely meant nothing at all to do with 'Monted' whatsoever! I apologize for the confusion!

Adult Discussion Forum