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Sound of cum

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Started by #309526 at 25,Oct,12 21:21
I was just wondering....Does anyone else here get turned on by the sound of your cum hitting the floor when you ejaculate? Recently I was in a shed with a concrete floor jerking my cock and when I pumped out a load I noticed the sound of my cum spattering on the floor and it was such a turn on. Does anyone else feel the same way???

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By #220845 at 20,Jan,13 19:58
When I was a teenager I once sat on the edge of the bead watching my cousin jacking off, I still remember the plop of his cum landing on thebed .

By #121361 at 20,Jan,13 19:16

By #218130 at 25,Oct,12 22:09
No, can't say that I do. But the sounds made by a woman, Oh Yes! Music to my ears

By WristThick at 25,Oct,12 21:55 other posts of WristThick 
I know what you mean. I cum a lot and if I can hold off for more than a day my cum really thickens. Either way I can hear the blasts on whatever surface they hit: a floor, a wall, a face...

By bella! at 25,Oct,12 21:36 other posts of bella! 
Are you sure it was your semen making noise? Maybe you were just pissing.

Adult Discussion Forum