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Started by #77008 at 24,Jul,10 05:54
Im thinking of shaving my cock and balls. Does anyone have suggestions as to how i approach my balls?

Similar topics: 1.Straight guys getting BJs from other guys more common than usually thought?   2.Shaving and manscaping  

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By slipper at 28,Jul,10 19:38 other posts of slipper 
Plucking works, too, of course.

It is not too painful for some with finer and sparser hair. I have no problem plucking and it typically grows back even finer making "maintenance" easier. Just another option for some.

By MoeJoe at 28,Jul,10 09:37 other posts of MoeJoe 
Hey Barely Legal how would you know about waxing balls....you've got to have balls to wax...

By spermkiss at 27,Jul,10 17:04 other posts of spermkiss 
I've been shaving my genital region since hair first started growing there more than fifty years ago, since long before it was trendy. I always used the same razor I used on my face.

I'd sometimes stop for months, or even years, but it was always something I came back to. Then about ten years ago I went with the permanent solution of lazer hair removal. It's great to be hairless. Try it.

But your question was how to shave the wrinkled skin of your scrotum. Very carefully as it is easy to nick yourself here. It helps to move one of your testicles about to stretch your skin smooth as you shave it. With practice you'll get better at it.

And as crazyaboutcock has suggested, it's a lot of fun to do with a sex partner. You could shave each other and then have wild and crazy sex afterward with your newly hairless bodies. Go for it.
By spermkiss at 27,Jul,10 17:05 other posts of spermkiss 
By the way, you have a lovely penis and a nice pair of balls.

By slipper at 26,Jul,10 22:23 other posts of slipper 
I'm guessing you are asking about shaving something as "soft" and wrinklely as many guys' sacks are... I'd suggest stretching the skin as much as possible after a scissor trim and using a quality, new, electric razor as carefully as possible. After allowing time for any irritation to go away, then try one of the "facial" or very gentle depilatories. A couple brands have been named specifically here on the Forum for genital usage. I'm guessing a search might find them if no one chimes in with more specific info.

Good luck and post pix!
By #77008 at 26,Jul,10 22:44
thanks for the tips slipper!
By slipper at 27,Jul,10 05:04 other posts of slipper 
MY pleasure.

By MoeJoe at 24,Jul,10 09:25 other posts of MoeJoe 
Well you should just take them in your hand and ask them politely....

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