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Bigger, smaller or even?

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Started by #10518 at 30,Apr,09 21:00
Is your dick bigger, smaller of even than my?
Your opinion.

Similar topics: 1.Do you think being bigger built makes your cock look smaller   2.smaller   3.Bigger or Smaller Game!   4.Does your willy get bigger or smaller with age?   5.Does ANYONE wish they had a SMALLER dick?  

New Comment

By #7295 at 29,Sep,09 15:34
You are longer

By #24920 at 29,Sep,09 06:08
i think mine is bigger. definitely thicker.

By #5746 at 27,Sep,09 14:41
I think you are a bit longer than me but I might be a bit thicker. What do you think?

By Vardamir at 11,May,09 11:43 other posts of Vardamir 
I think my cock is smaller than yours

By #5440 at 07,May,09 09:51
not even in the same ball park

By sailor at 05,May,09 12:58 other posts of sailor 
you win.

By #7976 at 01,May,09 02:17
I have to ask; why do you want to know? Besides, without a measurement, it's only a guess. My guess is that I'm smaller but I'm 7" even. Which is it, bigger or smaller?
By #3997 at 01,May,09 20:11
no offense to your discussion, to me i am happy with my size, i would like to know that too why you would feel the need to ask that, just curious, has someone mentioned this to you, or it is curiousity?? just wondering

Adult Discussion Forum