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Does ANYONE wish they had a SMALLER dick?

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Started by littlepickle at 10,Feb,23 15:37  other posts of littlepickle
I don't know if there is anyone out there like me, but id love to hear your thoughts or what you might think about this.
I wish my dick was smaller than it already is ALL THE TIME. For more than 2 decades I have wanted to be smaller. HONESTLY If I could take a pill I would have done it by now, or if I could donate any extra length I had I would have gladly given it away, but I can only dream of having what would ultimately resemble a oversize clit. maybe its the idea of being submissive I love or that I fantasize sucking dick a lot bigger than my own that feeds into this. I don't know ,but whatever it is I constantly wish/crave I truly had nothing between my legs and was wondering if there is anyone out there that wishes the same?

Similar topics: 1.Bigger, smaller or even?   2.Who wants a smaller dick? small would you go?   4.WIsh you had a smaller dick?   5.Wanting to be smaller?  

New Comment

By #275407 at 11,Feb,23 00:09
I wish my penis was as long as my legs so I could run faster,,, with three legs
By *kmadeau* at 11,Feb,23 14:27 other posts of *kmadeau* 
By PITBULL at 13,Feb,23 01:13 other posts of PITBULL 

By phart at 13,Apr,23 00:00 other posts of phart 
hold the balls up to reduce the drag!

By littlepickle at 16,Apr,23 00:17 other posts of littlepickle 
I think I could suck on your third leg for the rest of my life and never get tired of it. We should meet up and take care of your needs.

By nekekal at 14,Apr,23 20:37 other posts of nekekal 
For a long time I wished that I had a smaller cock. I have always had a big cock. In junior high and high school I always had the biggest cock in the PE shower area. I was teased about it all the time. I hated to let anyone see it.

Then when I started to fuck girls, or attempt to fuck them, I found that they were all afraid of it. I heard a lot of "i don't think that will fit in me". Most girls that would agree to get naked, would decide go try sucking it. Mostly just the tip of the head. Those that agreed to fuck it, all got on top. Vor years
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Stupid tablet decided that I was done.

For years I thought that the woman was always on top. And they only fucked the front two thirds of my cock. A hard stop that I didn't understand for years. I only ever fucked one woman that I could go balls deep into.

No. Nothing to really recommend a big cock. I wished for a normal cock for years.

By #536019 at 12,Apr,23 20:59
Smaller cock? No. But sometimes I think it would be fun to have a cunt.

By Richie at 11,Apr,23 19:32 other posts of Richie 
Anyone who wants to donate their package to me is welcome to take my pathetic, useless package
By littlepickle at 12,Apr,23 19:10 other posts of littlepickle 
I would gladly donate my package to you Richie.

By Moench at 10,Feb,23 21:08 other posts of Moench 
for me too, my wish is that my dick is zero long and my balls remove too. i am so fascinated if think about it
By littlepickle at 11,Apr,23 18:04 other posts of littlepickle 
Glad to know I am not alone Moench. I would LOVE to go zero as well. nothing fascinates me more than to shrink my cock and balls MORE or to make my lil buddy disappear COMPLETELY.

By PITBULL at 13,Feb,23 01:13 other posts of PITBULL 
this is probably a matter for guys with huge cocks over 9 inches long. I can't go any smaller

By curvy8 at 13,Feb,23 00:21 other posts of curvy8 
This sentiment does not exist

By probowler298 at 12,Feb,23 21:39 other posts of probowler298 

By Richie at 11,Feb,23 19:47 other posts of Richie 
I'd be happy to switch with you Mine can't get much smaller
By littlepickle at 12,Feb,23 19:52 other posts of littlepickle 
If I could I would gladly switch with you. If I could pay to switch with you I would. If I could just suck a magic genies dick to switch with you I would. I would do ANYTHING to be smaller than I am.
By Richie at 12,Feb,23 21:23 other posts of Richie 
I'm definitely smaller than you. Also my balls don't work so there's that. Still want to switch?

By #682523 at 11,Feb,23 15:24
I didn't fantasize about a smaller one, but a few times I thought about what would happen if I had a thicker one

By Jublad36 at 10,Feb,23 19:28 other posts of Jublad36 
I'd love to have a little acorn cock. Not thin but just my knob resting on top of my balls. It's not going to happen though so I'll have to stick with what I've got.

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