Started by ink69 at 25,Jul,11 21:06  other posts of ink69
Similar topics: 1."Friends" are nice, but prefer smaller photos 2.Bigger or Smaller Game! 3.penis getting smaller 4.Wanting to be smaller? 5.Does ANYONE wish they had a SMALLER dick? New CommentComments: |
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I love seeing bigger cocks than mine.As they makes me so submissive for them.
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Secondly, your dick is not small. It is indeed smaller than many men's, but it is big enough to be in the normal range. Believe me, I know. I've spent many happy years on my knees doing research into this subject.
Finally, your dick is the perfect sucking size. It's big enough to be a satisfying mouthful, but not so big as to trigger a gag reflex and be difficult to suck. Want a blow job?