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Hair removal....

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Started by #91715 at 08,Aug,10 04:16
Any of you smooth guys out there try anything else besides shaving? Bikini wax etc.... I have not and was wondering what work and what doesn't.


Similar topics: 1.Hair removal   2.Has anyone ever had lazor treatments for hair removal?   3.Hair Removal   4.Best way to remove hair   5.Hair removal, shaving  

New Comment

By MoeJoe at 10,Aug,10 09:34 other posts of MoeJoe 
For me the only method I will use is shaving with a razor and the razor of choice is a Gillete Embrace, which is a woman's razor and it does a wonderful job on my pubes and balls, as well as my entire body really.

By spermkiss at 08,Aug,10 22:48 other posts of spermkiss 
I used the same razor I used on my face for many years. Then about ten years ago I went with a permanent solution and had all my hair from my navel down and around to above my anus permanently removed with a laser.

This has got to be consedered a permanent thing, however, so I would recommend that you shave yourself for a while to be sure you like being hairless. That's what I did and when I knew I wanted to be permanently hairless I went for the laser treatment.
By #17000 at 09,Aug,10 01:00
How long, how many sessions did the laser treatment take? Cost? Pain? Where'd you get it done? Tnks

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