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Hernia Operation

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Started by #9985 at 10,Aug,10 19:57
A completely different question...

I've got a Hernia and am booked to go into Hospital to get it done, I'm a bit concerned as to what happens, any advice would be appriciated.

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New Comment

By MoeJoe at 11,Aug,10 08:36 other posts of MoeJoe 
Just make sure they don't get careless and damage that beautiful cock!

By #88663 at 10,Aug,10 23:49
Its not a bad op, but they cut the abdominal muscles and you use those muscles in every movement you make. That's the worst part of it so just take it easy for a week or so and get someone who can help you do some tasks for you. good luck....and get the drugs they offer you!

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