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Started by #71658 at 19,Aug,10 05:18
What would u jerk off to if you had no porn???

Similar topics: 1.How long can you go without sex or masterbating   2.has your mom or sister or another woman close caught you naked or masterbating   3.How many of u masterbate to my pics??   4.Home made wanking movies   5.Masterbating  

New Comment

By #69677 at 28,Aug,10 06:14
I do so all the time just thinking about a hot cock or pussy
By #135959 at 30,Jan,11 17:21
Same here

By #7976 at 30,Jan,11 01:27
That's an impossible question to answer... There can never be "No Porn" because my mind would create it whenever I decided to enjoy solo sex.

By boc at 29,Jan,11 16:12 other posts of boc 
Victoria's Secret.

By #102374 at 17,Dec,10 04:13
dont need porn. just grab my dick and go at it. can cum at will.

By #82616 at 23,Aug,10 16:00
I would die

By #5532 at 20,Aug,10 21:35
Most often I use my mind. Sometimes i slip a movie in and watch a bit as I get aroused. The mind is the best sex toy there is.
By boy at 20,Aug,10 21:52 other posts of boy 
I can only agree. The best movies and fantasies are in your mind!

By slipper at 20,Aug,10 02:50 other posts of slipper 
My thoughts!

By MoeJoe at 19,Aug,10 12:56 other posts of MoeJoe 
I would masturbate in front of a mirror...I do it anyway with or without porn available...

Adult Discussion Forum