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fucking household items

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Started by #12310 at 09,May,09 19:33
im horny and dont got anyone to fuck.
what hoesehold items could i fuck?? grapefruit, couch, etc.

Similar topics: 1.Stuff my Cunt   2.household items to shove up your ass   3.Self fucking   4.Household items for your boner /ass   5.Household Masturbation items  

New Comment

By #121361 at 25,Sep,18 05:06
Meatneedle Performence [deleted image]

By doedeldi at 26,Aug,15 15:04 other posts of doedeldi 
By #485312 at 27,Aug,15 06:23
how do you get that off??? how do you get it in??? how does it feel??? *lix*
By doedeldi at 07,Sep,15 13:12 other posts of doedeldi 
press the bottle and put him in and then he will suck in. To get him out you have to wait until he get softer .

By #485312 at 27,Aug,15 13:14
[deleted image][deleted image]
flavoured toppings *lix*

By #485312 at 26,Aug,15 13:03
[deleted image][deleted image][deleted image]

By routemaster at 26,Aug,15 05:22 other posts of routemaster 
By #485312 at 26,Aug,15 08:14
LOL, hope you didn't scold your cock with that one RM *lix*
By routemaster at 26,Aug,15 09:36 other posts of routemaster 
No, the teapot was empty but I had to do SOMETHING while waiting for the kettle to boil!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

By #14289 at 02,Jun,09 06:09
i rolled up a towel and put a condom over it and then i lube it up and im ready to go
By leopoldij at 26,Aug,15 02:12 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm not sure if you use this as a cock or as a pussy. ..
By #485312 at 26,Aug,15 02:36
hope it was only a hand towel, l rolled a bath towel and even l wouldn't take that on *lix*
By leopoldij at 26,Aug,15 02:55 other posts of leopoldij 
How is it even possible? A towel is not hard. ..

Adult Discussion Forum