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would you pay for an escort and why?

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Started by #99858 at 05,Oct,10 06:49
Would you pay for an escort and why? It is a great way for descreat comfort in good company especially if you have never been with a man or woman and want to see if you would like it or not.

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By #88663 at 10,Oct,10 12:57
No Way! I was in New Orleans at a bar with a few friends and this girl was flirting with me, I was excited until she said to me that she would need the money up front! I was stunned and proceeded to tell her to Fuck Off... And that I didn't need to pay for sex!!!

By pifad at 08,Oct,10 02:27 other posts of pifad 
Absolutely NOT! Man or woman, it's better free.

By #7976 at 06,Oct,10 21:45
No! I've never had an issue with needing an escort and the self control to be self satisfied (emotionally, not sexually) when between lovers. As for motives such as seeing what it's like to date the opposite sex, it's a personal choice.

By #5532 at 06,Oct,10 14:20
No way. Why pay for something when there is so much of it out there for FREE. If I were not with my guy I am pretty certain I could find somebody to take care of business with no charge.
By #59855 at 06,Oct,10 17:14
From Matt's Wife: I know you would always have a place with us

By #59855 at 06,Oct,10 05:51
From Matt's Wife: I would never pay for a guy nor would I ever have to pay for a guy. Not trying to sound conceded but it is true.

Adult Discussion Forum