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nude beach

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Started by ovi2011 at 11,Oct,10 07:28  other posts of ovi2011
I went to a naked beach for the first time this summer, it was great. I found out that i like to see people looking at me, it just turn me on. I go with my wife she does no get naked but i do. She removed her top once. We both liked and keep going every time we can. I just like to lay down on the sand and see people walking by and looking or me looking others. Last time we went i did not want to leave. I had this couple in front of me looking and on my left there was a hot chick looking also, ohh!! just awesome the feeling. A soon as we get home we have sex immediately, it is great having sex and talking of what we saw, at least in my case i would like to have some of the girls i saw at the beach here watching or who knows may be joining us and my wife seem to agree. Thinking of going to a swinger party, never been in one but not sure i am scare of std.

Would like to know your experiences about this and what you suggest me, thanks. Excuse my English is my second language.

Similar topics: 1.hard on nude beach   2.Nude Beach/Jerking off   3.Lightning At the Nude Beach   4.Thinking about going to a nude beach.   5.Do you like to hit the nude beach  

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By jocstfr at 21,Aug,14 19:28 other posts of jocstfr 
Luv going to nude beach but my problem is I am always producing precum. I am not erect when this happens, it just starts oozing out and I am cut so there's no hiding it, especially on a bright sunny day when sun shows it glistening at the tip of my head. (Flies tend to be attracted to it as well). I now just wear a jockstrap at the beach.
By Odin_york_pa at 22,Aug,14 02:57 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I know that feeling, I precum sometimes for no reason at all. Just feel the wetness in my underwear. It's both a nice and bad thing together.
By spermkiss at 22,Aug,14 15:54 other posts of spermkiss 
I know what both of you gentlemen mean. I, too, am a pre-cum leaker. It oozes out almost continuously. But it doesn't bother me. For many men (us included) pre-cum leakage is normal and natural and nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. So Mr jocstfr let your stuff hang free and be proud of the droplet on your glans glistening in the sunshine.
By jocstfr at 23,Aug,14 18:50 other posts of jocstfr 
Thanks Mr. Spermkiss! Unfortunately most times its more than a droplet. I have taken walks on the beach and have looked down and to my dismay have found a strand of precum "drooling" from the tip. I inconspicuously wipe it but more leaks out within minutes. If I had a foreskin it would probably contain it to some extent but us cut guys are exposed to the world.
By spermkiss at 23,Aug,14 21:06 other posts of spermkiss 
"...a strand of precum 'drooling' from the tip." Man, that's even better! Again I say it's normal and natural and nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. Show it off as a badge of honor. A dick leaking precum is something many, probably most, people at a nude beach want to see. With any kind of luck you'll have someone approach you and offer to lick it off.
By jocstfr at 24,Aug,14 13:01 other posts of jocstfr 
Spermkiss I wish everyone was as open minded as you! The beach I go to is both gay and straight, and some of the straight couples may have an issue with it. Females definitely have the advantage here. If they get excited no one can tell. When us guys get excited there is no hiding it.
By spermkiss at 24,Aug,14 17:21 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, you CAN be as open minded as I am. Just keep in mind that body functions such as pre-cum leakage or getting an erection are normal and natural and nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. As you said "When us guys get excited there is no hiding it." I presume by that you mean leakage and/or erection. Well, you should NOT try to hide either one. Let's discuss these one at a time.

With pre-cum leakage, just let it leak, wherever and whenever it happens. You may, if you wish, discreetly wipe it away. The operant word in that sentence is "discreetly". What I mean by that is that you should not try to hide the wiping action, just don't make an issue of it. Wipe away the pre-cum as casually as you'd wipe your nose. If you don't make a big show of wiping your dick, I doubt anyone, gay or straight, male or female, would be offended.

Erections are a somewhat different matter. Sure, they are a sign of sexual arousal, but as every man knows, the penis has a mind of its own. Spontaneous erections occur and they can occur anywhere and any time. If you are reclining on your beach towel when one happens, just let it happen. You should neither attempt to hide it nor flaunt it. Everyone will pretend not to notice. If you are standing up and walking about when one occurs, again just keep on doing whatever you'd be doing if you didn't have an erection. Odds are everyone will pretend not to notice. Should someone comment on your erection act surprised and say "Oh, do I?" Then look down at your dick and say "You're right, so I do. Thanks for noticing." Then change the subject. Very few people, gay or straight, male or female, would be offended by an erection unless the man with one made a big issue of it.

Finally about erections, DON'T EVER BE EMBARRASSED ABOUT OR ASHAMED OF HAVING ONE. That's a recipe for impotence. There are a lot of things in life that are worse than having an erection. One of them is NOT having an erection.

By Walker at 20,Oct,10 22:30 other posts of Walker 
I went to a beach in Australia, was on a business trip in the winter and needed sun. Got there and all the women were topless at least. I didn't have a bathing suite but wore my nylon boxers. A group of girls sat down next to me and convinced me to take them off when they stripped naked. I had a bit of a HARD cock time until one slipped over and relieved me of a load of semen. Then I was limp for a while. I borrowed sun screen or should I say I used some of their sun screen. I gave them some beer and we shared food. I later found out that since I was there and am a bit older the Aussie men stayed away thinking I was I was a Dad or something. The girls showed up several days in a row and I was happy. I like Australia.
By steve3095 at 22,Aug,14 13:05 other posts of steve3095 
We have great nude beaches in Australia.

By #174339 at 21,Aug,14 19:10
we went to haulover beach in miami enjoyed it something new for us

By #89196 at 22,Oct,10 19:32
Nudist beaches are not meant to be sexual. Your missing the point of them.
By #7976 at 22,Oct,10 22:03
Perfectly stated.

By boy at 22,Oct,10 22:27 other posts of boy 
But many of them are quite sexual, e.g. the dunes of Maspalomas on Gran Canaria. Very hot there!

By #104696 at 11,Oct,10 09:10
i have been to a naked beach its a great feeling having people look at u.
By #7976 at 22,Oct,10 22:02
perfectly stated.

By #7976 at 21,Oct,10 00:21
I have been a nudist since I was a teenager. I am nearly always nude at home unless we have guests. My wife and I go to the nude beaches in Northern California and other places we have visited around the world. I have always liked the fact that at nude beaches very few people are judgmental. Neither of us is perfect but we probably think we?re less attractive than we are. At the nude or clothing optional beaches it?s very easy to be approached and to approach others to get to know one another. At normal beaches, everyone is check out the others and if you approach someone to talk they always view you with suspicion. The nude beaches we?ve visited have been strict about sex (no sex that is) on the beach, at least in the open. I have noticed that sexual advances or even lewd, rude stares and comments are tolerated less than at clothed beaches. It is enticing however to see people on internet clips having all types of sex at seemingly public beaches. I must go to the wrong beaches. As for us, we?re like you. When we get home, or at least to the motor home, we have great sex made better by the hours on the beach getting turned on by all the other bodies and knowing that we did the same for them.

By #88663 at 14,Oct,10 11:38
Fire island!

By #66954 at 13,Oct,10 17:02
where is this gay nude beach?
By ovi2011 at 13,Oct,10 22:22 other posts of ovi2011 
its not a gay nude beach. everyone goes there, Fl...

By #88663 at 11,Oct,10 12:23
An old girlfriend of mine wanted to go to a nude beach, the closest one was a gay beach so we went and got naked, after about 45 min she looked at my cock and it was rock hard!! She asked what was with the hardon! I said it must be the hot sun on my cock and balls...she said yea ok!and reached over grabbed a towel and sunblock and proceeded to jerk me off under the towel,she whispered in my ear your my little fag aren't you, you like seeing all these dicks don't you! You want to suck a dick! It was awesome.over the next few weeks we went back a few times with the same results, she loved it and bought a strapon which she would make me suck! Than fuck me with!

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