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Has anyone else had sex with thier str8 best friend?

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Started by #21239 at 12,Oct,10 23:34
I had some amazing sex with my str8 best friend, Was woundering who else has done this?

Similar topics: 1.Sniffing Panties?   2.Jacking w/ Str8 Friends   3.some STR8 guys confuse me!!   4.str8 lads   5.How do I tell my str8 friend that I want to give him head  

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By boc at 05,May,24 07:49 other posts of boc 
The fried zone has an exit ramp.

By #711401 at 05,May,24 05:39
One of my straight mates, who I'd sucked off many times, decided he wanted to fuck me. Who was I to refuse?

By chubbyloves at 28,Jul,16 01:29 other posts of chubbyloves 
Sucked my best friends cock after a night on the town. We were a little wasted. He was complaining about his girlfriend living him Horney all the time. Told him that I can help with that problem. he asked how, and I said stroke or suck it. Then put my hand on his cock so he would know I was serious. We were in my car on a dark street. I had him open up his pants and pull then down a little till his dick popped straight out. I slowly started sucking. he was getting into it and so was I. He was fucking my mouth and I could feel him tense up. I world harder and he shot his hot load in my mouth. I swallowed it all and kept my mouth on it getting every drop. I told him I was sorry but I just got the urge to do that. He said he enjoyed it and never had a man suck him, and no one do such a complete job of it. I told him it was fun and my pleasure. Told him that me and my cousin had done that for years and I liked doing it. It happened a lot more times over the years.

By spermkiss at 16,Oct,10 22:10 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, I have with more than one straight friend. Did it ruin our friendship? Absolutely not. In each case it brought us closer together and strengthened our bonds of friendship.

Now some words of advice to any gay men with straight friends reading this. You cannot rush your straight friends into sex. It's OK to let them know that you like them and find them attractive, but for sex to happen you have got to wait until they initiate it. This could take months or years and it may never happen. If you come on to them before they are ready, you will frighten them off, sex will never happen and it may indeed ruin your friendship.

Invariably when the subject of straight men having gay sex comes up there are comments that these men aren't really straight. (See SoClose's comment above.) This question has been resolved decades ago. The late Dr Alfred Kinsey and his associates found in their research that many men who identify as straight and live as straight do indeed occasionally have sex with other men. And one has to look no further than the comments from members on this very site to know that there are many straight men with at least some interest in gay sex.
By #336988 at 19,Feb,13 19:05
You are a wise man, thanks for the advice. I have a friend (str that I really would love to give him head, I've seen him naked at the gym and he is exceptionally well endowed. Problem is, he does not know I am bi sexual.
By spermkiss at 19,Feb,13 19:32 other posts of spermkiss 
So tell him. If he's truely your friend, it won't bother him in the least. You say that he doesn't know you're bisexual, but I'd bet you a dollar that he already has some suspicions. Bringing it out in the open will bring the two of you closer together. Trust me one this.

Do NOT, however, mention that you have any sexual interest in him in that first conversation. Let him get used to the idea that you're bisexual and that the two of you are still friends. Let things run like this for a few weeks.

Then you can start dropping hints that you think he's hot. But as I said above, don't come on to him. Wait for him to come on to you. It'll probably happen. Good luck. I hope you soon have a taste of his big straight cock.
By #336988 at 19,Feb,13 20:55
Thanks, I sent him an email inviting him for a drink this weekend cause I haven't seen him in a few weeks so maybe I'll get up the courage to start a conversation leaning in that direction and see where it goes.
By spermkiss at 20,Feb,13 00:08 other posts of spermkiss 
Again, good luck. We're all rooting for you. Keep us informed, we want a blow-by-blow account.

By #130385 at 01,Jul,11 01:43
my friend jacked me off in his car when we were wasted, then i returned the favour. previously both closet bi sxuals

By #106949 at 20,Jun,11 06:05
My honest best friend, no. But one of my other close friends and I have, and still do. I would love to fuck around with my best friend, but I don't want everything to get weird.

By GaryMPLS72 at 15,Nov,10 08:11 other posts of GaryMPLS72 
I had a great experience just recently where I fucked my best friend and made his virgin hole open up. It was the best sex I have had in years. Here's the clincher, we were both sober.

By #95006 at 14,Oct,10 00:42
Yes, it was GREAT!! SHE was really a lot of fun and we are still good friends. Of course "She" being a girl, ane "me" being a guy, that's about the only way I can see it happening, otherwise your friend isn't really straight from the way I look at it.

By #28110 at 13,Oct,10 11:52
I have too.. Was amazing...

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