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Started by #89196 at 04,Nov,10 03:36
There's a lot of fakes here, and most people don't seem to care. To me that removes the very point of this site. To show YOUR pics, not someone else's or to post internet pics. People are told by admin that Oyster is fake, but people don't care because they like the pics - very strange.

That along with the constant fights in the chat have made me decide to leave. I'll be around for a few days to make sure close friends have my email etc.

I'll be on other, more mature nude sites.
Mr & Ms WJ

Similar topics: 1.Leaving a "Public Message" on members pages   2.Should i leave or not?   3.I said I was leaving, but I am staying now   4.Taking a break from SYD   5.LEAVING COMMENTS  

New Comment

By #47291 at 08,Nov,10 15:19
You can Ban anyone you don't want to visit your page. I haven't ever done that, but I know you can. Oyster is not a fake. Although there are a few different women and men in the pics, they are all real. And I love their pics and the photographer is extremely beautiful and has a special connection with his camera, models, and environment!
By #23212 at 09,Nov,10 07:09

By #89196 at 08,Nov,10 01:50
Well I've decided to stay. Think I started to take the drama here too seriously and just ruined the fun of the site. Would like to specially thank Hunni, Vesse and Monted and everyone else who posted here and shot a PM my way.
By #23212 at 08,Nov,10 02:04
Good choice! Glad you are staying.

By just16cm at 04,Nov,10 11:14 other posts of just16cm 
Good luck finding a site without fakes

Let me know when you find any

Honestly, the internet is full of fakes. You won?t find a single site without them

A site like this is a business. A big number of members attract people, and fakes pay aswell
By admin at 04,Nov,10 17:06 other posts of admin 
Actually I don't mind deleting fakes at all. The problem is that members do not report them.

Most of the members just don't care. But even those who seem to be angry about fake accounts almost never report them. Even less present proof.
By just16cm at 04,Nov,10 17:38 other posts of just16cm 
Ok, SANDY123 is a fake.

Birthmarks seem to appear and disappear like it?s magic. Even her boobs seem to grow, shrink and change their shape.

Maybe I will report some more, if I find some I can convict to be fake
By admin at 04,Nov,10 17:53 other posts of admin 
Ok, I can see those pics are from different sources.

However, normally I need some more eligible proof. Like links to the commercial galleries where those pics are taken from.

You should understand that I cannot ban members just because someone is suspicious.
By just16cm at 04,Nov,10 18:10 other posts of just16cm 
Wow, that was fast

I?m workin' on a more eligible proof, but that was to obvious.

Thank you

By #89196 at 05,Nov,10 15:00
You said yourself that Oyster was fake and yet her account seems to never have been deleted.
By admin at 05,Nov,10 20:16 other posts of admin 
Deleted several times, actually. Each time a lot of people were disappointed and asked me why I did this.
By #89196 at 05,Nov,10 20:35
Which is one of my other annoyances about the site, the fact that people like fakes.
By boy at 05,Nov,10 21:12 other posts of boy 
I personally don't like fakes and am only interested in genuine pics, but I can't understand the fuss about them. Why don't you just simply ignore them? And I also can't understand why people often make such a fuss about their leaving. I don't want to offend anybody, but I sometimes think that they just want to get more attention. So just have fun here and enjoy yourselves.

By admin at 06,Nov,10 00:23 other posts of admin 
You are saying this as I intentionally gathered people who like fakes on this site. I never encouraged members to post fakes and in contrary was trying to enlighten people about fakes to some point where I gave up.

So I doubt this is a problem of this particular site. I think it's more general problem. Porn is pretty much about fantasy, I knew this before. But I did not realize a lot of people are literally delusional about it.

By just16cm at 05,Nov,10 20:20 other posts of just16cm 
If you want to tell if the pics are fake:

From here you need to save it on your harddrive and then upload it to tineye. This site will find even modified pics all over the net
By #89196 at 05,Nov,10 20:38
As this site changes the images name it rarely works. I've tested this with my own images (as I'm on a few other sites) and it's failed to find them.
By #23212 at 05,Nov,10 22:22
Thanks for the info. And I just tried it, and had similar results--It can't find pics that I know are on the net.

By #59855 at 04,Nov,10 16:22
From Matt's Wife: I agree, don't leave over it though, just ignore the bad stuff, there is bad stuff everywhere in life
By #89196 at 05,Nov,10 15:03
But if I don't go in the chat there seems hardly much point in being here as it's what takes up most of my time on the site. But people accusing others of being fake, having fake accounts themselves simply to drive a certain person away and the general rudeness and pure nastiness displayed in the chat (endurance was telling people to kill themselves and god knows what else) is just truly shocking and hardly creates a community I wish to be a part of.
By #59855 at 05,Nov,10 19:56
Then I would suggest that you send private messeges and chat that way, it keeps me busy to where i am rarely in chat anymore

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 05,Nov,10 19:53 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 



By thenandnow9669 at 04,Nov,10 17:14 other posts of thenandnow9669 
Although I'm new to the site (only 2 weeks) don't go. stay and enjoy the real people of the site. every site has its fake and rude people. ignore them

By Yando at 04,Nov,10 13:30 other posts of Yando 
It is true that the atmosphere on the chat is despicable. I only recently discovered the chat, because of my bad English. But I'm going there just to read. I do'nt think I'll go there again!
Talking with a woman who in reality is a man, it's frustrating.

That does'nt disturb me to speak with men, but I prefer to know it.
To Find profiles containing only pictures from the net, I do not see the interest.
Once again, sorry for my english...

By fila1305 at 04,Nov,10 08:40 other posts of fila1305 
I'm sorry to hear that you leave because of the actions of other members. To me you appear to be a very fair and cheerful person.

Since the site is called "show YOUR dick/cunt" you should expect people's own pics. If people post internet pics I don't really mind because in most cases it's clear that they're from the net. Posting someone else's pics however...

Like 'luvmyclit' I just decide to ignore those people's pages. If they want to hide behind someone else, they're probably not interesting enough themselves. And I'm not interested in someone unless it's the person self.

I'm also sorry to hear about your chat experiences. I can understand that this is a real turn off.

Too bad that this has made you decide to leave. Hope you find what you're looking for on those other sites. All the best and goodbye.

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