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i hate my body hair. shaving help needed.

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Started by #122299 at 03,Dec,10 23:45
I hate having hair on my ass legs stomach chest and pubic area. I shave my chest and balls but if I shave anywhere else I get horrible bumps. Any suggestions on how to have a smoothly shaven body with no razor bumps?

Similar topics: 1.Why so much shaving?   2.beard shaving   3.Best shaving technique   4.Hair removal, shaving   5.Shaved legs, chest, bollocks and cock  

New Comment

By #275407 at 11,Jul,20 16:02
You do realize this was posted ten years ago, and the member is long gone
By PoloFields at 13,Jul,20 01:18 other posts of PoloFields 
Guess he figured it out, then?

By #611458 at 03,Jul,20 17:08
Try Nair for men.
By SluttySarah069 at 11,Jul,20 15:05 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I found Nair to be a bit rough so I use plenty of shaving soap and a good sharp razor over the part of my body which needs shaving.

By #591921 at 04,Jul,20 04:24
Go to a waxing studio I used to shave but waxing takes care of the hair for 6-8 weeks at a time.

By Smoothbutt at 09,Dec,19 02:11 other posts of Smoothbutt 
Use visine. Women use it on pussy.
By #23212 at 09,Dec,19 04:01
Eye drops?
By #551147 at 03,Jul,20 17:38
By Ray10754 at 03,Jul,20 21:34 other posts of Ray10754 
Visine??? Is that for a better looking pussy? Sorry not trying to be rude in any way, but are you sure about the visine thing???

By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:19

By #1102 at 03,Jul,20 12:17
hot water on your part u want to shave

By Ray10754 at 30,Sep,13 09:32 other posts of Ray10754 
The ultimate cure would be lasor removal,But we all know that would be very expencive! I also dislike that hair on my body and have had some of the problems you do,I have foud that useing an Electric shaver gives me the best results.
Th e prosess that I follow is , Shower in the morning (the warm water stands the hair up for a closer shve),dry off and wait a while till skin and pours are back to normal then shave,I do the same at the end of my day prior to bed time,Keeps me hair and stubble free all day.
I also apply a good body lotion with vitamun E and allo after each shave,keeps the skin baby soft and smooth. Stop by my page and see my results. I have the system down to a sciance now and the entire prosess only takes me 20 min to get done. Oh by the way I shave my body complet from neck down both front and rear, I use a body trimmer with an extendabl handle to do my back get as close as a shaver.

By #358797 at 30,Sep,13 06:01
I get razor rash. Well, used to. Pick up some B&C Skin Tight, works wonders.

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