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Why so much shaving?

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Started by #29092 at 18,Jan,10 18:35
I'm a tad suprised at what seems to be such a high percentage of people (men and women) that shave their pubic hair. Clearly it must change the sensation, but is there more to it than that?

To each his one, of course, but seems like an awful lot of upkeep.

What are the pros/cons? What are your reasons for shaving or for going au naturale?

Similar topics: 1.Shaving question   2.Shaving   3.Chicks shaving   4.Shaving Balls   5.Before and after shaving!!  

New Comment

By #45601 at 17,Feb,10 06:57
I have shaved before and aside from the skin on skin sensation with a woman who shaves, it's much easier for clean up after sex.

By hipster at 17,Feb,10 01:02 other posts of hipster 
Check out the favourite pictures on here most are smooth.

By #51055 at 25,Jan,10 23:10
I like being hairy!
By spermkiss at 15,Feb,10 18:55 other posts of spermkiss 
I have to agree with fdgr, your nice dark pubic patch combined with your smooth chest looks really good. While I have a weakness for totally hairless men, really dark hair in moderation is also quite hot.

By #29092 at 22,Jan,10 16:38
A possible explanation for the sheer numbers of shavers here is that a website for showing off your dick and cunt is probably not a representative sample of the general population. I have to assume that people with exhibitionist tendencies are more apt to try new things.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments. Thanks to all for contributing to the discussion.
By #23212 at 28,Jan,10 05:23
While I might agree that this kind of site may not be "a representative sample of the general population", I most certainly feel that INMATES are even less of a representative sample!

By pifad at 28,Jan,10 04:42 other posts of pifad 
I much prefer hairy cock and balls.

By MoeJoe at 18,Jan,10 21:15 other posts of MoeJoe 
I shave my cock, balls and ass everyday in the shower and it only takes a couple of minutes to keep it super smooth. I also shave everything else, legs, chest, arms, underarms a couple of times a week...this takes a little longer, but for me it's worth it. I feel better and I think my cock and balls look much better. I don't have a very big cock and my pubic hair was quite long and coverd up too it's all out there for everyone to see. For me body hair is out.....for those who like it, it's in.
By Pauli at 20,Jan,10 04:04 other posts of Pauli 
Do not understate your cock - its great! Keep shaving - it looks just graet!

By slipper at 20,Jan,10 02:23 other posts of slipper 
Easier sight-seeing and fewer hairs in the teeth!

By #46165 at 18,Jan,10 22:36
makes me cock look a bit bigger....and i need that illusion
By boy at 19,Jan,10 21:00 other posts of boy 
Me too. And by the way, shaving itself feels quite good anyway, especially when your partner watches you or even helps you.

By sailor at 19,Jan,10 18:50 other posts of sailor 
Started shaving because of the rash thing. AlthoughI thinks it is more keeping air around your jewels, and keeping things dry. SO now I still shave and don't wear underwear. And problems went away. But regardless, in the beginning I was wondering what my wife would say. She never said a word. At first I just the hair off my dick, then did my balls, and little by little the hair above my dick went away. She still has not oommented on it, but funny thing the hair on her pussy is slowly getting thinner and thinner.We have both evolved and life is more exciting.
Finally, the hairs on my dick kept growing in higher and higher, and if gave oral to a guy I would want dick in my mouth and not a bunch of hairs to go with it.
SO now we are both used to it, and everything just seems cleaner and easier to look at, and play with.

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