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smell of pussy

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Started by #119922 at 06,Dec,10 13:27
Do you get aroused by smell of pussy..i get

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By #2331 at 10,Dec,10 15:03
Never did like the taste and smell of rotten fish!!!
By #301038 at 06,Dec,12 22:46
Did all of them smelled like that? You came across some nasty pussies, my friend. If it smells like fish, it has some sort of vaginal infection. A well kept, healthy pussy smells and tastes delicious.
By #164428 at 07,Dec,12 02:49
Yes indeed! When women's pussies do smell like fish, it's due to bacterial vaginosis, the most common bacterial infection. A healthy pussy has an intoxicating musky aroma, and truly tastes yummy!
By #218130 at 12,Dec,12 16:28
Oh Steffi, you explain it so beautiful, I love the intoxicating musky aroma part the best. Would so love to get intoxicated on your musky aroma

By #218130 at 12,Dec,12 16:21
Mmmmmmm lovely lovely, love the aroma.

By nekekal at 12,Dec,12 01:17 other posts of nekekal 
I love the smell of a hot pussy, and the taste of a hot pussy.

But the best part of all is the smell and taste of a hot pussy after it has been freshly and well fucked by me. It is so erotic when I am down there that I get aroused again, and then may get to fuck it again.

I love hot pussy.

By WristThick at 07,Dec,12 07:37 other posts of WristThick 
I find that the true essence of a woman comes out in the smell and taste of her pussy. I can seriously taste if a woman is a smoker or not within a few seconds of licking her quim. And how well she takes care of herself, too. Sort of like trying to pick out the flavors of a fine wine.

Maybe I've feasted on one too many pussies and I know many won't believe me, but that's been my experience. Not much beats getting drunk on a clean and healthy girl's pussy and its flowing juices!

By iluvcox at 07,Dec,12 01:19 other posts of iluvcox 
Sometimes my wife will finger her pussy and then rub her fingers on her toes.When I'm fucking her, I will smell her toes and it sends me into orbit!

By pornlover59 at 06,Dec,12 22:13 other posts of pornlover59 
the smell of pussy is great!and the more excited she is the more i get excited by the increase in the musky aroma!!!!

By #164428 at 06,Dec,12 21:39
OMG, yes!
By pornlover59 at 06,Dec,12 22:12 other posts of pornlover59 
mmmmm!thats so hot Steffi!!!i bet you smell so fucking delicous!!

By #270555 at 06,Dec,12 21:56
mmmmmm yesss i love the smell of pussy

By #33070 at 18,Feb,11 05:38
I luv everything about pussies the smell the taste the feel I just starving for some now

By mack at 10,Dec,10 08:23 other posts of mack 
love the smell of pussy, always makes me hard

By Gntlmn at 08,Dec,10 23:25 other posts of Gntlmn 
YES! It's like the particular pussy's taste...really good ones have a heavenly humid musk of Yellowfin Tuna & sugar. Sniffing panties is great, too.

By Walker at 08,Dec,10 21:32 other posts of Walker 
Why YES, the smell of pussy gets me rock hard. My wife on the rear occasion I am asleep and the wants sex she wets her fingers and puts them under my nose. Wham I'm hard as a rock and waking up to her forcing her pussy on my cock.

By #7976 at 07,Dec,10 13:08
Absolutely yes. The aroma is an instant erection maker and an intoxicant for sex.

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