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Being naked

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Started by #121273 at 09,Dec,10 11:51
I need to be naked- as much as possible about 4 hours a day!

Similar topics: 1.Naked 24/7   2.Women and naked men   3.Naked men vs naked women   4.Sleeping naked   5.Full body naked  

New Comment

By #492520 at 27,Aug,15 04:27
Me and my wife are always naked at home.
By routemaster at 27,Aug,15 04:32 other posts of routemaster 
The best way to be, living a nudist lifestyle

By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 02:58
love being naked when its not so cold ... maybe l should move to the equator *lix*
By #23212 at 16,Aug,15 07:18
Alice Springs, NT would be a lot closer to you. Its temperatures this coming week are predicted to be around 87єF/31єC--which seem warm enough to be naked.
By #485312 at 23,Aug,15 15:53
yeah but the crocodiles get hungry this time of year *lix*
By routemaster at 24,Aug,15 05:25 other posts of routemaster 
Well it was 32C (92F) in Margate on the Kent coast in England last Saturday, an unexpected surprise return to a summer heatwave but very shortlived. Pissing down with rain and cool again on Sunday in London
By leopoldij at 24,Aug,15 08:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Careful because the queen may walk by.
By #485312 at 24,Aug,15 09:08
raining here too, we had the best lightning show, rattled the house and turned my touch lamps on...powerful stuff *lix*
By leopoldij at 24,Aug,15 12:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Is it the rain or the sexual energy? You know, the latter is known to cause lights go on and off, motors to start, refrigerators to break down...
By #485312 at 24,Aug,15 13:29
yeah sometimes if l fuck too hard and hit the wall they turn on too lol, *lix*

By routemaster at 12,Jul,15 03:22 other posts of routemaster 
If I have an "at home" day when I'm not expecting non-naturist friends to visit, then I am naked ALL the time as I am now. I always keep a pair of shorts and a T-shirt handy for if and when textile friends turn up. Being unencumbered by clothes is a great way to relax and unwind. Once a nudist, ALWAYS a nudist
By JeffinKS at 13,Jul,15 18:23 other posts of JeffinKS 
I fully agree!
By routemaster at 16,Aug,15 05:26 other posts of routemaster 

By #122507 at 13,Jul,15 18:00
I love being naked as much as possible.

It's great it's finally summer, even here in cold Sweden, so I can spend some naked time outdoors as well.

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By routemaster at 13,Jul,15 06:33 other posts of routemaster 

By Mrfrisky at 12,Jul,15 03:45 other posts of Mrfrisky 
I was born naked.

By #202392 at 24,Oct,11 20:45
love being naked in the woods
By spermkiss at 24,Oct,11 23:45 other posts of spermkiss 
Or walking down a city street. Yes, it happens. It happens all the time here in San Francisco. It's not even against the law.
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 22,Dec,11 16:16 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
Really? They allow you to walk nude in the streets in daylight? If so, I definitely will next time there! Where would I verify that I wont be arrested or cited!?
By spermkiss at 06,Jan,12 06:34 other posts of spermkiss 
There is no statewide law against public nudity here in California. Many municipalities have them but San Francisco does not. On a warm afternoon, take a stroll along Castro Street or Eighteenth Street or hang out (so to speak) at the mini park where the streetcars turn around at Castro and Market Streets and it won't be long before you see a naked man. Indeed, you'll probably see several.

Recently there was legislation proposed by Supervisor Scott Wiener (yes, that's really his name) to require naked people to put a towel down on a chair or bench before sitting down and to prohibit serving naked people in restaurants and bars, but not to prohibit public nudity. It wasn't even considered.

Famous events in which nudity is an attraction are the Bay-to-Breakers foot race in May, the Gay Freedom Day Parade in June and the Castro Street Fair and the Folsom Street Fair, both in September or October.

By #187007 at 10,Dec,11 03:36
I'm still naked
By #68656 at 10,Dec,11 06:59
Very good, eight days naked.
It would be excellent if we never had to wear clothes.
Best regards and greetings to a fellow Aussie.
John S. Adelaide.
By #187007 at 12,Dec,11 05:56
and it would be much cheaper.Regards fellow Aussie

By #187007 at 01,Dec,11 05:48
I'm naked now
By #205329 at 01,Dec,11 06:15

By Ray10754 at 25,Oct,11 01:54 other posts of Ray10754 
Love living a nudist lifestyle fortunatly I live in an area that afords me to do so any time I want.
Been living the lifestyle most of my adult life and wouldn't live any other way.
I am nude when ever at home both indoors and out,only wear clothes for work and to go out in public.
All my friends and relitives know that I am a nudist and respect it

By #196304 at 24,Oct,11 22:12
Night time Naked Driving is a kick. Helps if your in a SUV
By spermkiss at 24,Oct,11 23:43 other posts of spermkiss 
It's even better in a convertible with the top down on a warm sunny day.

By #121273 at 09,Dec,10 22:40
Just wish I could share been naked with someone. The woman I live with doesn't approve!
By #7976 at 09,Dec,10 23:20
Tell her your a home nudist and would truly love for her to join you. Explain that what you do at home to be comfortable is a private affair. If she won't make allowances or join you, I guarantee your relationship won't last forever or you'll be constantly miserable. My wife doesn't get nude often at home but everyone in the family knows I've been a "home nudist" (and my wife and I have been to nude beaches around the world in our youth) and they just ignore it. I wish you luck convincing her but if she doesn't come around you have to decide if she's the right woman for you and if all her other positive aspects will make up for this one.

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