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Cumshot photo

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Started by #127462 at 18,Jan,11 19:01
Is it worth to suspend sexual activity for a week or so to take a cumshot photo after that time?

Similar topics: 1."No photo" mode....   2.CUMSHOT VID BY REQUEST   3.Cumshot Idea   4.How much cum?   5.Best gay cumshot compilations?? Ideas?  

New Comment

By #677384 at 08,Mar,23 23:24
[deleted image]For me, regardless on if I wait a few days or not, I find the longer I edge and tease my cock, the more I cum.

By mikeyxx at 07,Mar,23 20:47 other posts of mikeyxx 

By Lucky at 04,Mar,23 08:41 other posts of Lucky 

By hornymat at 02,Mar,23 06:50 other posts of hornymat 

By shavedsmoothbud at 05,Jan,12 18:11 other posts of shavedsmoothbud 
I don't see much difference in the amount of my cum past 3 days. This was a 2 day load btw.
By ero2715 at 07,Apr,13 09:23 other posts of ero2715 
nice pic

By LGA6969 at 25,Feb,23 20:24 other posts of LGA6969 
it looks like a nice sticky load

By routemaster at 25,Feb,23 03:09 other posts of routemaster 

--------------------------------------- added after 40 seconds

--------------------------------------- added after 80 seconds

--------------------------------------- added after 94 seconds

By #583549 at 19,Oct,19 11:10
If I hold off of sex for a week or more I definitly shoot more cum out!

By Allalexallday at 19,Oct,19 07:21 other posts of Allalexallday 

By #592877 at 29,Jun,19 15:24
[deleted image]

I have a lot of cream... xD

By #584883 at 28,Jun,19 05:32
[deleted image] Heres my only cum shot pic!
--------------------------------------- added after 2741 hours

[deleted image]

By #576446 at 28,Jun,19 04:03
[deleted image]
By #583549 at 28,Jun,19 05:23
Nice and freshly creamed I see!

By Ohioguy at 24,Jun,19 18:21 other posts of Ohioguy 

By #295847 at 04,Feb,16 19:13
[deleted image]

Vote for this photo if you like it!

By slipper at 10,Jan,16 01:24 other posts of slipper 

By jocstfr at 09,Jan,16 22:39 other posts of jocstfr 

By #289712 at 13,Apr,13 16:55
ive tried so many times to get a good one.. guess ill keep trying

By #166058 at 07,Apr,13 14:33
here is some of my cums hot pics
[deleted image]
[deleted image]

By #115756 at 18,Jan,11 20:46
letssee howyou do how much of a difference is your load if you wait .I cant holdoff that long but am wondering if the longer you wait the bigger the load
By #127462 at 18,Jan,11 21:00
I guess there is an upper boundary .
By ero2715 at 07,Apr,13 09:24 other posts of ero2715 
i believe the longer you stroke the more you cum also using baby oil makes me harder and more spunk

By ero2715 at 07,Apr,13 09:22 other posts of ero2715 
have a look at my pics

By #217891 at 05,Jan,12 18:12
here is mine


post what you think

By #215748 at 04,Jan,12 17:56

[deleted image]

By #201155 at 03,Jan,12 12:37
You might need one of these, though... No when you're locked up!

[deleted image]
By #127462 at 03,Jan,12 14:09
Does the nylon bolts burst if you get hard in it ?
By #201155 at 03,Jan,12 14:24
Not yet! Sometimes it feels like they might, though...

By #201155 at 03,Jan,12 12:36
If this is the kind of load you shoot – and this was the first of three or four spurts – then I'd say yes!

[deleted image]

By niginni at 09,Mar,11 13:13 other posts of niginni 
heres mine cuming [URL=/n6hyk521q8espic.html">

By Walker at 20,Jan,11 20:46 other posts of Walker 
I don't think you need a week you hit your full load in a couple of days.

By #6568 at 19,Jan,11 11:18
I've tried to do this and it was a complete failure,....the orgasm after a week was so massively powerful that I hardly saw the ejaculation as it left the scene at light speed, let alone had the ability to push the button down!

I have only managed one 'cunshot' and one 'nearly', both on my page,...but, I have had many attemnpts. This one is after a two day interval and I just got lucky with the spasm of my trigger finger when I came!...

[deleted image]

By spermkiss at 19,Jan,11 06:29 other posts of spermkiss 
Porn stars do it, though probably not for a week. In several interviews with porn actors that I have read they mentioned that they would not ejaculate for two or three days before the shoot so when it came time to do the money shot they'd shoot a really impressive load.

By #34386 at 18,Jan,11 22:18
I think a week its to long and dont make much diference. the only thing is that you will be more horny for not have release.

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