I was looking over the Blogs to see what has been added of interest and came across a recent post from "LloraineBait". She is advertising in the SYC blog now to sell her soiled panties and has set a price for worn underwear and is willing to negotiate a price for extra cum or pee soaked soiles.
As for myself, this is just the type of thing that I absolutely despise on a social networking site. I for one am not here to be advertised to nor should this site be used as a personal marketing venue. If she, or anyone else for that matter, wants to sell you something, let it happen in the private chat areas or better still, pay Admin a fee to put your ads on a banner.
Any other opinions on the issue of putting a price on a free commodity? Your comments are welcome and important.

But I'm not a police. You can write in your blog whatever you wish as long as you do not post illegal materials.
Some of you also should understand that "illegal materials" is not the same as photo of "illegal materials". For example, I often receive complaints on photos of marijuana. Marijuana is illegal in most countries, no doubt, but photos of marijuana are not illegal.
Same with the photos of used panties. They are not illegal.
As for LloraineBait's blog; it isn't there any more so the problem is solved; presumably due to the peer pressure applied here. It wouldn't matter who posted a similar add, I believe it's wrong to offer yourself or products for sale here and don't I care for it. Hence my comments and those of a number of other people.
By the way Lorain, I think your a very lovely and sexy lady and I would be pleased to chat you sometime.
On a final note Admin, I do have to disagree with you on at least one point. I don't believe that, "This entire site is based on perverts". Perverts or perversion is a societal subjective opinion of one's moral tenner. As it is, I may have interests outside the mainstream and privately enjoy what some feel to be fetishes but, I don't consider myself, you, or many of the ladies and men I chat with her to be perverted. Simply healthy adults expressing their feelings and opinions on the subject of sex.
I do apologize if my response has opened the proverbial "can of worms" for you. But as always, you've handled the situation well. Thanks.
The question only is what's legal and what's not.
It is also a case of "buyer beware" as most certainly any goods supplied by her will not be as advertised.
Basically all involved parties should be ashamed at their debasing and degrading behaviour.