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Eating Cum!

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Started by #139955 at 03,Mar,11 15:56
I love eating my own cum, especially when it's thick and chuncky!

Similar topics: 1.Straight Men: What about eating a pussy after cumming in it?   2.cum eating   3.Eating your own cum   4.Ladies comment please.   5.Creampie eating  

New Comment

By knewbi at 26,Dec,20 22:14 other posts of knewbi 
When I was younger I would jerk off with my cock placed over my face. I go damned good at hitting my mouth... Can't coil my body up like that these days so cumming in my palm and feeding myself has to do..
By uncut_guy_in_ca at 03,Jun,21 02:07 other posts of uncut_guy_in_ca 
I go up against a wall upside down and spray it right in my mouth. ;-)

By #642199 at 03,Jun,21 02:11
When most people are young they get tattoos on their asses. You feed yourself your own cum, huh. Different strokes for different folks.
By #637729 at 03,Jun,21 02:16
Why so judgy?? You're on a website/forum dedicated to sexuality.... maybe this isn't the site for you if you question other people's likes in the bedroom?
--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

That was directed to AngelofDeath...
By #642199 at 03,Jun,21 16:27
I was being sarcastic…
By #637729 at 03,Jun,21 22:41
Oh okay. Yeah no way to tell that based on what you said lol...

By Viper at 03,Jun,21 13:30 other posts of Viper 
I shoot my load into a shot glass and then drink it. I love to roll it all around in my mouth with my tongue on my teeth underneath my tongue so I can taste it for hours after. Sometimes I’ll throw that shot glass in the freezer and let my cum turn into an ice cube then I jerk off later while sucking on it in my mouth. Sometimes I’ll take that frozen ice cube of cum out of the freezer and shoot multiple loads in there so then when I finally do melt the cum in my mouth I swallow like six loads at once. My cum is delicious I drink lots of water and pineapple juice along with a healthy diet.

By doedeldi at 03,Jun,21 12:15 other posts of doedeldi 
Only sometimes a taste.

By #555896 at 02,Jun,21 12:53
I wank off every day and always drink every drop.I also drink my wank buddy when he shoots a good load.

By #639873 at 16,Apr,21 22:19
[deleted image]

LOVE CUM ,Prefer from a Man but love my own too

By #516354 at 12,Apr,21 07:23
My ex wife/Mistress used to make me masterbate and eat my own cum.She especially loved making me do it on cam on a bdsm site with viewers laughing at me and humiliating me.She also loved to let me cum in Her pussy now and then and then clean Her out.

By LGA6969 at 11,Apr,21 20:07 other posts of LGA6969 
It’s not for everyone, but I like the taste

By Jrbowen2016 at 11,Apr,21 14:22 other posts of Jrbowen2016 
My girlfriend just sits on my face and feeds it to me

By #632553 at 05,Jan,21 19:08
Mine only.

By cumn4u at 12,Dec,20 14:34 other posts of cumn4u 

By #520335 at 07,Nov,16 20:48
[deleted image]
need I say more?
By #485312 at 08,Nov,16 01:21
no, you don't need to say it again, we can see that you want to eat cum, lm sure we all got that after the 5th post *lix*

By #132576 at 03,Mar,11 17:25
your not the only one hehe., if only i didnt lose intrest after cumming I would swallow it all. if youve tried prostate milking its fantastic and you stay horney. i love to do this when I have free time.
By #201155 at 22,Feb,12 09:13
Do you use an Aneros to milk yourself? I sometimes do, and the orgasms are just incredible. To see cum oozing from your cock when it isn't even hard and you are not even touching yourself is just wonderful

By smokieb69 at 23,Mar,11 14:23 other posts of smokieb69 
i also like it - straight from my cock

By #145958 at 12,Mar,11 14:09
Yo he intentado muchas vesea tragar mi esperma, pero despues de correrme, ya no lo puedo hacer,
como solucionar este problema?
By #23212 at 23,Mar,11 02:09
Una soluci?n? En Ingles es, 'Edging'.

By #12897 at 12,Mar,11 14:47
i wont taste my cum!

By #6437 at 12,Mar,11 13:20
Yes I love to eat my own hot cum

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