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twin cocks

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Started by #136706 at 12,Mar,11 18:25
what would you do with that?[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.TWINS - ever been with one or both?   2.twin cocks   3.Looking for my cock twin!   4.Cock doppelgŠ“nger??? AKA r u my cock twin??   5.Identical Twin Brother = Identical Cock?  

New Comment

By #145310 at 14,Mar,11 15:27
I knew a guy who had three balls, he owned a pawn shop.
By slipper at 08,Apr,11 17:23 other posts of slipper 
Yeah, a chain of them all over the world!

By #147052 at 08,Apr,11 14:20
When it comes to saying that I thought I'd seen everything on this site, you have to come up with a picture like this? I have a spare tire on my car, but this takes it to a whole new meaning! Does it allow one to get hard while the other rests? Could we see it in action?

By niginni at 14,Mar,11 15:23 other posts of niginni 
suck with a friend

By slipper at 13,Mar,11 05:38 other posts of slipper 
Have one removed, stuffed, and "mounted?"

Adult Discussion Forum