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is there any truth...

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Started by #94215 at 28,Mar,11 07:29
is there any truth in guys having their right ear pierced means that they are gay? or is it just one of those thing s you hear down the pub?

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By slipper at 21,Apr,11 17:41 other posts of slipper 
Used to be in areas until everyone started getting their ears pierced.

By #107983 at 30,Mar,11 22:46
Well my left ear is pierced and my right nipple is too, does that mean i am fully Bi ,,,,or just confused

By MoeJoe at 28,Mar,11 09:56 other posts of MoeJoe 
There is also a rumor flying around that if you suck cocks you could be gay....
By #107080 at 28,Mar,11 11:09
By #13219 at 29,Mar,11 04:41
Moe, Are you saying I am gay? Or maybe even suggesting I might be a cock sucker?
By spermkiss at 30,Mar,11 03:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Of course your'e a cocksucker. Aren't we all? Some of us are just more upfront about admitting it.

By Gntlmn at 30,Mar,11 01:20 other posts of Gntlmn 
....the old bigoted saw went: "Left-brute...Right-fruit"....kinda'like southern "cock"....LOL

By #68656 at 28,Mar,11 09:04
Hello Zoo and Jaz man.
We have an interesting situation regarding the placement of the jewelry, all three of come come from British Commonwealth countries yet have different ideas on the same matter.
Here in Australia it has been generally "accepted knowlege" that a ring in the right ear meant that the wearer could be homosexual.
So in the UK and Oz it is the right ear yet in Canada it is the left.
Regards and greetings,
John S.
By spermkiss at 28,Mar,11 16:26 other posts of spermkiss 
This is an urban legend that one hears from time to time and as JohnS has so wisely pointed out, the ear in question varies from place to place and from time to time. Here in the USA I've heard that said about either ear.

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