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Wanking over pictures of your own dick

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Started by #17471 at 05,Jul,09 10:05
Is it wrong?

Similar topics: 1.Saying you're gay when you're not really gay!   2.New pictures   3.Anyone jack off to pictures of their own dick?   4.Shaving and wanking   5.Wanking  

New Comment

By MoeJoe at 10,Nov,09 09:52 other posts of MoeJoe 
I'm a narcissist...I can't help it!

By MoeJoe at 08,Nov,09 10:26 other posts of MoeJoe 
I take a lot of pics of myself and it's a huge turn on for me, that usually results in some form of cock play whether it's to a complete orgasm or not. When I am rolling through my pics to select some for a posting here, I usually get hard and quite turned on over the sight of my cock and the thought of others getting equally turned on...this results quite often in a full masturbation session.

By #18596 at 17,Jul,09 00:44
I often masturbate over my own pictures
By #5173 at 29,Jul,09 23:01
Same here,,I find it a real turn on!!!!!!!
By smoothpete99 at 03,Aug,09 12:33 other posts of smoothpete99 
mostly only my vids work for me

By #9985 at 07,Jul,09 00:07
i like watching my own videos, and wanking along to them, see if i can cum the same time
By #5173 at 07,Jul,09 15:12
same here...I do it often...
By smoothpete99 at 03,Aug,09 12:31 other posts of smoothpete99 
love your vids pudpull.. check mine out

By smoothpete99 at 03,Aug,09 12:30 other posts of smoothpete99 
me too, sometimes imagine it's someone elses

By #6568 at 05,Jul,09 12:05
I can't say I hae personally ever had the inclination but...

Why would it be "wrong"....and in whose estimation??

According to stuff I have read on the net, there are hardline religous types in America who see all masturbation as the 'sign of the devil', and are actually trying to get young people to 'resist' and stay 'pure' etc.....

.....The thing is; if it's true that God made man in his own image then we must presume that God knew what he was doing and built in the joy of sexual feelings to enhance human existence,, it can only be in the minds of religous fanatics that sex is 'wrong', probably because they don't want anything getting in the way of making everyone trudge behind their religion....

.......Can't have any sexual joy when theres the church to serve.....

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