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Shaving and wanking

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Started by shaver000 at 01,Apr,19 07:51  other posts of shaver000
I'm smooth and have been shaving for many years. Whenever I shave myself I always end up getting hard, and end up wanking. It always feels good, playing with my freshly shaved dick and balls. Is the same for you?

Similar topics: 1.Shaving question   2.Shaving   3.Chicks shaving   4.Shaving Balls   5.Before and after shaving!!  

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By growernotashower at 02,Jan,25 12:21 other posts of growernotashower 
Sensitises up the package. Pardon the pun.

By knewbi at 01,Jan,25 00:07 other posts of knewbi 
Feels good any time but yes, there is something very sexy about a freshly shaved cock.

By Tempp at 30,Dec,24 04:33 other posts of Tempp 
I only shave my shaft, but it does excite me. I may wank after, but usually not.

By pipcock at 21,Dec,24 08:18 other posts of pipcock 

By nick5199 at 20,Dec,24 18:44 other posts of nick5199 
I shave every saturday and every time i get really horny feeling how smooth i am. i end up showing it off on cam and most of the time fucking my ass with dildos while people watch on skype. love it, love being on display

By nekekal at 18,Dec,24 01:41 other posts of nekekal 
When I shaved my cock and balls it always made me hard and I jerked it.

But truthfully, I play with my cock all the time which makes it hard and I jerk it off.

By Lucky at 15,Dec,24 16:07 other posts of Lucky 

yes, i feel the same way, i can rarely shave my cock without it being hard and horny afterwards, so i have to milk it right away

By knewbi at 03,Dec,24 15:55 other posts of knewbi 
You betcha. Best right after a shave. I tend to reach into my pants often for the next day or two just to feel the smoothness.

By raybo36 at 01,Dec,24 18:20 other posts of raybo36 
I shave my bush and balls daily but keep a little patch

By Moench at 01,Dec,24 17:40 other posts of Moench 
I shave my dick and balls now for over 40 years. My hair grows now only a little. At younger age, I like smooth shaven pussy, but now I like big long hairy pussys. Now 15 year that my wife not use a shaver and she has very long hair and I love that feeling

By Lik2play at 01,Dec,24 16:52 other posts of Lik2play 
I have been shaving for years now. I love it I love a smooth pussy. I won't fuck a hairy pussy is a big big turn pff

By #566488 at 02,Apr,19 09:56
Another great thing to do is shave with oil instead of shaving cream.....

By #583549 at 02,Apr,19 00:49
I shave in the shower daily and you right it is much nicer too feel your smooth cock while stroking it to orgasam!!!

By knewbi at 01,Apr,19 17:33 other posts of knewbi 
While I wank almost every day it is so damned sexy when I have just shaved...
By shaver000 at 01,Apr,19 22:25 other posts of shaver000 
I will go along with that

By #564101 at 01,Apr,19 18:05
I touch up my package every day in the shower so it's always smooth. Jacking is a separate activity, but it's much more fun when I'm freshly shaved.

By #583152 at 01,Apr,19 17:08
Yeah same here it feels so good having a smooth package

By SluttySarah069 at 01,Apr,19 16:58 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Being a cross dresser I shave all my body so I'm nice and smooth for the guys who like to use me as a substitute woman.
It also makes me feel very sexy and I sometimes wank after a good shave. add_smile("")

By #536019 at 01,Apr,19 13:39
I do it occasionally, and it always feels sexy. I masturbate more often when I'm smooth.

[deleted image]

By wycowboy at 01,Apr,19 13:14 other posts of wycowboy 
I usually don't shave but the few times I have I always wound up jerking off too.

By #566488 at 01,Apr,19 10:19
I have a shaving fetish. Love to shave outside naked and I always rub my smooth skin while jacking off!!!!!
By shaver000 at 01,Apr,19 10:42 other posts of shaver000 
I have done that, it makes me feel so horny

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