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Eating your own cum

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Started by #152413 at 13,Apr,11 13:25
Do you eat your cum?
Or have you ever eaten it?

Similar topics: 1.Straight Men: What about eating a pussy after cumming in it?   2.cum eating   3.Eating your own cum   4.Ladies comment please.   5.Creampie eating  

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By cumn4u at 19,Oct,20 00:00 other posts of cumn4u 

By #536316 at 30,Jun,17 17:44
[deleted image]

By #515078 at 08,Jun,17 18:22
we do not waste cum or pee, ALWAYS EAT IT OR DRINK THE PEE

By niceonebighead at 31,May,17 03:02 other posts of niceonebighead 
yes luv it fresh

By #504316 at 06,Nov,16 21:58
I love to swallow my own cum. Does anyone else like to freeze it for later use?
By #303909 at 28,May,17 22:56
Hell no! You have fresh produce all the time, why freeze it?

By #535695 at 29,May,17 00:47
Yes, I freeze mine and eat it next time I am horny. Lately I've hooked up with a few guys and got to swallow theirs as a reward for giving them good head. Yum.

By #531302 at 30,May,17 19:18
I use to freeze it for my gal. Jerk off all week then feed it to her on Sat or Sunday

By brian2 at 30,May,17 19:16 other posts of brian2 

By #531302 at 30,May,17 17:54
I have tasted it when I kiss my girl after I have cum in her mouth but that's about it

By #516354 at 30,May,17 16:39
My ex wife/Mistress used to make me cum on my meals and eat them and She also used to piss in my drinks.

By #303909 at 28,May,17 22:51
Hell yes

By #510409 at 03,Nov,16 13:09
all the time

By #472252 at 31,Oct,16 12:10
Do it when I edge know its cum when it turns whiter before I shoot

By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Sep,13 18:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
In my early twenties I discovered self sucking on the internet. I had to try this for myself and after an hour of stretching I could throw my legs over my head, pull my legs toward me, stretch out my tongue and lick my cockhead. I started practicing daily and licking my dick became easier every day. After a few days I could even put my lips round the head.
Every evening I watched a lot of porn on the internet, stretched, jerked and licked my dick for hours. I loved to watch and download porn of girls sucking guys off until the last drop or being drenched by lots of men. I also found some clips of guys sucking off a friend or shooting into their own mouths. It made me really horny, but I never dared to taste a little of my own. Every dick licking session was finished shooting my load in some paper towels.
One evening I was even more flexible. I could take the head in my mouth completely. I sucked on the head, licked round and round and sucked up and down. I could really blow myself and it was wonderful. I had to stop every thirty seconds to gasp for air, but I kept on going. I was getting horny as hell and breathing heavily. It felt wonderful, like never before. I had planned to shoot in a paper tower, but I kept sucking until the last second. When the orgasm came it was so overwhelming I couldn’t stop anymore. I felt a bit scared, but hot as hell as cum started pouring on my tongue, flowing down and filling my mouth. It was the longest, most explosive orgasm ever. I was surprised how much cum was spurting into my mouth. When I finally stopped squirting, I lowered my legs, stretched out on my bed, my heart pounding in my chest and breathing heavily through my nose. My mouth felt completely filled with cum, but I did not dare to swallow. I felt hot, horny, sexy, weird and a bit shocked about tasting a mouthful of my own cum. It didn’t taste bad at all, just a little salty, very slippery and tingly. After savoring the taste and enjoying the feeling for a minute, I sat up. With trembling lips I drooled the cum into the paper towels. I already knew then it wouldn’t be the last time....
By #23212 at 15,Sep,13 06:38

By cumaddik at 15,Sep,13 03:43 other posts of cumaddik 
I adore cum so much
I always swallow to the last drop
I love swallowing my own cum, but i prefer swallowing other men's loads

By #389093 at 11,Sep,13 22:14
when i m hot i want to tested to eat but when i cuming no i cant to eat

By #220845 at 11,Sep,13 19:04
When I was younger many times

By #6437 at 28,Jul,13 16:16
Love to eat hot cum mine the guy i am sucking off

By #40333 at 28,Jul,13 09:45
I love to jerk off on different foods. Cookies, desserts, regular meals. I love beating off in my red wine too. Love how my jizz floats around and can't wait to eat my nut! I also love blowing a big shot right in my face and mouth. I'm a dirty cum whore!

By #408718 at 05,Jul,13 08:58
Yes usually when selfsucking don't know why but I enjoy it

By Odin_york_pa at 03,Jul,13 15:28 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I have tried my own by squirting in my own face, I tend to be a distance squirter lol. Once or twice I even put my legs over my head and shoot it in. I have tried a few times to make sure it's something I like or not. That's how I found out I really do not have a taste for cum. The fact that it is warm is what turns me off. I do not like warm liquids of any sort, be it tea,coffee, hot chocolate, milk ect ect, so stands to reason cum is of no exception.

By #285354 at 03,Jul,13 12:56
From time-to-time I squirt a load in my morning coffee. It makes the coffee good to the last drop. The cum usually settles to the bottom and has a great coffee flavor.

By #88663 at 19,Apr,11 11:32
Yum! Can't let it go to waste......

By #43515 at 18,Apr,11 18:26
Yes I have. Like cum on my face, and suck my cum out of her cunt

By smokieb69 at 18,Apr,11 17:25 other posts of smokieb69 
yes, i do - normally when I selfsuck!

By #102374 at 13,Apr,11 14:31
Luv it. Tastes delicious.

By #147052 at 13,Apr,11 14:05
many times and I like it

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