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Masterbation Record!

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Started by #153287 at 30,Apr,11 02:07
wondering what is most number of times you've masterbated and ejaculated in one day. Mine would be 3 or 4 times and I can't get enough of doing it. This can go to women aswell. If you love doing it what's your favorite technique, if there are any.

I know you all love doing it as much as I do!!!

Similar topics: 1.Most times you've come in one day many times can you cum in one day   3.How can i make masterbation more fun?   4.Happy Masterbation Month   5.Vicks for masterbation  

New Comment

By #7435 at 30,Jun,11 18:37
11 times in 24 hours!

By #150240 at 01,May,11 18:44
I squirted about 6 loads yesterday and I am already up to 4 loads today... And the day is still young
By #129941 at 02,May,11 14:51
You are certainly busy. When I was only young, I thought you ran out.
By #150240 at 06,Jun,11 01:37
I usualy start shooting dry arter 5 or 6 climaxes.

By #64328 at 09,May,11 16:11
When I was 14 I managed to jack off 13 times in one day. They were dry orgasms after the 3rd one. A friend and I were having a contest to see who could do it the most in a single day. He claimed he did it 22 times in 24 hours

By #33070 at 06,May,11 04:29
Most time it's no more than 4 to 5 But one day off in the winter I had the house to myself and jerked off to porn all day From morning to to night I sure it was 13 times I orgasmed Fuck was I sore after That was 2 years ago

By #124665 at 03,May,11 00:15
Came 7 times in 19 hours the other week trying to match a friend who did 8 haha, but i had sex all those times, coulda went for 8 but said fuck it 7 is good and we were getting a bit sore
By #124665 at 03,May,11 00:18
Jerkin off? Lucky to do 7 a month But I'd rather just fuck anyway Though I think back when I wes young and full of cum I did 4 in a day

By pifad at 30,Apr,11 06:47 other posts of pifad 
I usually start late afternoon and jerk all night. Generally ejaculate 5 times and on occassions 6. But I must say when I hit six loads in one night my balls are def drained and my cock is tender to the touch

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