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How can i make masterbation more fun?

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Started by #270725 at 10,Jul,12 04:37
Does anyone have any advice or tips for that can help make masterbation more pleasure able

Similar topics: 1.masterbation   2.Watching Masterbation   3.Masterbation!!!   4.Happy Masterbation Month   5.Vicks for masterbation  

New Comment

By #275407 at 18,Jan,18 03:33
Use icyhot on your penis

By #536019 at 15,Jan,18 17:49
Get a masturbation toy, and generously lube the inside. Smoke some weed. Put on your favorite porn. Edge for 2 hours.

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By chubbyloves at 15,Jan,18 20:19 other posts of chubbyloves 
or all the above
By #536019 at 17,Jan,18 15:48
Definitely all of the above!

By cumcouplessa at 17,Jan,18 03:49 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Find a wank buddy

By iluvcox at 09,Sep,16 06:00 other posts of iluvcox 
jack off with vicks
By Darthshame at 17,Jan,18 03:21 other posts of Darthshame 
That's actually really good.

By #488923 at 01,Sep,16 08:18
Practice 'edging' - get to the point where it's so pleasurable and try and hold it there - don't try to cum. Just enjoy it as long as you can then cum...
By pifad at 16,Jan,18 05:42 other posts of pifad 
I love edging for hours

By #64328 at 10,Jul,12 04:48
Do it with someone
By #134591 at 16,Jan,18 04:37
great idea

By 2nice at 13,Jan,18 20:02 other posts of 2nice 
Pfft...this is a defunct thread. I was hoping to offer some useful advice such as stuffing a toaster up your ass.
By #491031 at 15,Jan,18 17:00
Should the toaster be plugged in and cooking a couple Pop Tarts when using this method?

By Frenum at 13,Jan,18 12:59 other posts of Frenum 
I love going for a walk in the woods with a friend stop now and again to rub each other through our clothes.When it gets too much i stop with my hands on my hips as he pulls my cock out and wanks me off.

By chubbyloves at 09,Sep,16 19:27 other posts of chubbyloves 
don't do it alone, ask for help from a friend or a stranger

By leopoldij at 01,Sep,16 23:10 other posts of leopoldij 
From personal experience:

1) Do it in public.

[deleted image] [deleted image]

2) Practice mutual masturbation.

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3) Do it in a dressing room.

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4) Have a black girl masturbate you.

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5) Have an Asian girl masturbate you.

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6) Have a white girl masturbate you.

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7) Masturbate in front of a mirror and watch yourself.

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Masturbate to your favourite SYC member and post the video.

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9) Ask a girl to sit on you and masturbate your cock by rubbing her pussy on it.

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10) Do it on the train without taking your cock off your pants.

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11) Stick a finger in your ass and let the cum drip by prostate massage.

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By #485312 at 31,Aug,16 12:24
get someone else to do it, that makes it heaps more fun *lix*
By leopoldij at 01,Sep,16 08:40 other posts of leopoldij 
You're reading my mind!

By spermkiss at 31,Aug,16 13:08 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it with friends. There's nothing like a nice wholesome circle jerk to make stroking out a load more satisfying. Seeing your buddies pleasure themselves while they see you has a fine synergistic effect so that the pleasure is intensified.

By #519017 at 31,Aug,16 12:12
Try different positions. I like kneeling wide legged when I wank because it stretches my muscle tight.

By #376129 at 28,Apr,13 00:46
definately ass play shove a dildo in your butt while jacking off

By bigone21 at 27,Apr,13 23:13 other posts of bigone21 
using your IMAGINATION might be a mind-blowing experience for the rest of your life!!

By duncanidaho at 27,Apr,13 22:43 other posts of duncanidaho 
try any of /xlc97taojclzpic.htmlthe videos on my page - start with this one:-

By #254338 at 11,Jul,12 14:31
Cock ring... Balls in elastics or ropes... Flesh light... All might help...

By #146804 at 10,Jul,12 10:47
Masturbation. Spelling is fun
By botanic at 10,Jul,12 14:42 other posts of botanic 
no, maybe he actually means master bat ion .. three perfectly good words

By slipper at 10,Jul,12 05:18 other posts of slipper 
Post some pix and let us see what you have to work with. lolThen, video yourself and your "friend" masturbating you and watch those with a friend... and...

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