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Your first gay experience?

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Started by #148770 at 28,May,11 00:36
What happened how did you feel

Similar topics: 1.Gay And Straight Stories   2.First Gay Experience?   3.Experience with Craigslist Personals:)   4.would love 1st time gay experience :)   5.Does the first experience cause other experiences?  

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By #190555 at 01,Sep,11 09:07
First time I sucked a dick was when I was about 13.. My buddy and I had been comparing our dick size in private to see how they would grow since about 2nd grade so we became comfortable with our dicks out and with the years going by our dicks developed into BIG DICKS. One day we were in my bathroom comparing dick size and I convinced myself to suck his dick, I remember thinking the dickґs head would make fuzz once it came in contact with my tongue but haha, that was not the case. I put his dick in my mouth for maybe two seconds then took it out. I asked him how it felt and he said like nothing so I did it again for about 5 seconds. That was the first time I sucked a cock...didґt know I was later in life going to crave it so much. I have sucked his cock about 20 times now in a period of 10 years. He only came in my mouth the last two times I sucked him. I swallowed it both time and LOVED it. I only like nice cocks though, I wouldґt just suck any. I still like pussy itґs just the gorgeous dickґs I admire and can appreciate the beauty of one.
By #60507 at 11,Oct,11 09:17

By #149864 at 10,Oct,11 23:42
I was about 11 yo and already had a lot of sexual fantasies with my older classmates. I started to masturbate at 8.
Then one day I was alone with my 9 yo cousin and get curious to see his dick, so I went to him and took his pants off. He just stared there, not understanding exactly what it was. I grabbed his dick, masturbated it and suck it a bit, but suddenly I heard my aunt coming back and we stopped it.
Some months later I was with another cousin, 12 yo, and we decided to take a look on each others cock. We both were horny and started to stroke, sometimes touching our dickheads, but without blowjob and stuff.

By #165867 at 09,Jun,11 01:28
When i was 15 with my daddy. I was mastrobating completly naked to gay porn when he got home one day. He walks over to me and grabs my erect cock and slowly starts strocking it. After me feeling him up for a little we take it to his bedroom. Once in there... well u can figure out the rest
By #149864 at 10,Oct,11 23:34
I always wanted to have the same experience! Hot hot hot!!

By pifad at 28,May,11 01:11 other posts of pifad 
I was 10 and at a beach resort. Went to the bathroom and some guy stuck his cock through a hole in the wall. I licked it, then sucked it then swallowed his load. Felt great.
By #149864 at 10,Oct,11 23:33
That's a hot story!!!!!!

By slipper at 09,Jun,11 18:08 other posts of slipper 
Haven't had... are you offering?
By #105042 at 28,Aug,11 22:23
if you like...
By slipper at 30,Aug,11 00:47 other posts of slipper 
WELL that is one I could go for!!! THANKS!!!
By #105042 at 30,Aug,11 18:29
and Iґd go for you, for being such a creative man. Love it
By slipper at 07,Sep,11 00:04 other posts of slipper 
Much appreciated, Paul... you are SUCH a flatter!!!

By #188764 at 06,Sep,11 23:12
When I was 12, I had started puberty but didn't know it. I started getting together with three other similar-age boys in the neighborhood to compare boners and feel each other up. One of the guys got me one-one-one and showed me how to jack off. A while later we were jacking each other. Things eventually progressed to blow-jobs.

By Olddude at 02,Sep,11 23:05 other posts of Olddude 
Still looking for it!!!!!!!!!!

By #181785 at 31,Aug,11 04:53
I was 12. I had a couple of my buddies come over and we would fuck & suck each other. They were 1 on 1 never had the 3 of them over at the same time. Wish I had.

By #168631 at 09,Jun,11 02:52
I'm new but i will tell of my experience. It was when I was a 7 year old kid. The older neighbor boys were three brothers. There ages were about 11 13 17. They told me that I had to suck them to be able to play in the woods with them. The woods were big and dense . So my mom let them sorta babysit me in the woods. Well as a kid that age I had no idea what I was doing and how it felt to get head. I just knew that I could play with the big boys. That went on in till I was 10. Then I knew I needed it too. And the two boys left at home were having girls from high school suck them . So I went for 8 years being a girl watcher before getting a B J from one. Then I went on with a heterosexual life. As time went on and wives have cum and go. There have been times when I go to the bookstore and movie arcade and even the steam rooms to suck a big cock. I have to tell about the biggest cock, it was 13 inches... NO SHIT !!!
By #131063 at 29,Aug,11 21:15
Just wait until you bring something back and infect your wife.

By #163488 at 28,May,11 03:38
My first homosexual experience was when I was 13, my best friend and I masturbated eachother. All my adult life I have had brief homosexual encounters, blow jobs preferbly 69 and ass fucking. I never had a Gay experience because Gay denotes a lifestyle and I have always had a straight lifestyle, 52 years married, 2 children. I approve of the Gay lifestyle, I live in Southern California and worked with many Gays in the Movie and TV industry. I also have a Grandson, 20, who is Gay and lives with us. I believe a straight man can have homosexual sex and still remain straight. Gay men have been known to have heterosexual sex with women, for whatever reason, and still remain Gay. I wonder if the day will come when we can dispense with these labels.
By #105042 at 28,Aug,11 22:14
I love you, deleted member :-) Itґs like you tell it - homosexual is not the same as gay. Iґve had sexual encounters when I was young - comparing dicks and wanking together with another boy like almost any other men. Long before I realized I was gay, quite late in my puberty. After that, it wasnґt even possible to speak about. Stupid society.
By #131063 at 29,Aug,11 21:13
That's entirely correct. According to studies, between 50-63% of men have varied feelings of same gender attraction. It's only a small faction that call themselves "gay". Ever wonder why the gays are always pining for the jock or the 'straight-acting' dudes. They can pine all they want over us, but they can't have us. We're busy with each other and have no time, inclination or desire to be with someone 'gay'. Visit g0ys[dot]org to read about me and my buddies.

By #165179 at 28,May,11 03:16
sadly still waiting for it
By #13219 at 29,Aug,11 02:08
Dont wait too long --I was in my early fortys for the first cock to suck. Sorry to have waited so long.. I cringe to think of all the cock I missed
By #131063 at 29,Aug,11 21:08
Now you are older and wiser. Don't be disappointed. It probably kept you alive. Now you can proceed with a level head and act responsibly.

By #188764 at 28,Aug,11 23:34
I was 13, playing with neighborhood boys who were 11 and 13. Lots of fun at the time, and great memories and fantasies even all these decades later.

By iluvcox at 09,Jun,11 03:40 other posts of iluvcox 
In eight grade I had a older friend and we used to piss in front of eachother.One day things went further and we started showing our hard-ons. You suck mine, I'll suck yours kind of thing.Next thing we were taking turns sucking the others cock.It went on for a couple of years. Any time we could get away we would .It was incredibly horny to have a secret like that from everyone.I'd love to hook up again.

By rkf at 28,May,11 01:26 other posts of rkf 
I was 6 or 8 it was with the boy next door who was the same age him and he would always let me give him a bj.

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