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a hot cock competition

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Started by #154756 at 31,May,11 14:13
hey guys

some of you might know me. i?m looking for a hot cock here.

show me your cock and let me rate it in some categories: length,girth,glans,balls,pubes... i?ll give you 1-5points for every category, then add the points to a result!

so lets see who has got the perfect cock

25-20: perfect!!
19-15: very good!
14-12,5: good!
12-10: ok!
10>: thats nothing for me

Similar topics: 1.dare competition   2.BEST LOOKING PENIS COMPETITION!!!   3.SMALLEST PENIS COMPETITION!!!   4.PIC OF THE MONTH - GREAT FEATURE!   5.Cock competition, biggest cock wins , I will judge( you guys judge mine)  

New Comment

By #289712 at 09,Apr,14 23:49
URL=//][IMG]/thumbs/20140210/zshgiq0qfw1z.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I like mine, what do you all think?

By boc at 17,Sep,13 04:19 other posts of boc 

By #91208 at 17,Sep,13 03:42
Check my pictures plz

By tt1969 at 27,Aug,13 01:02 other posts of tt1969 
what do u think of mine

By #335537 at 26,Aug,13 06:53
[deleted image]
more pictures of me ! come look!

By #423542 at 19,Aug,13 01:43
Hello honey, how would you rank my cock?
You can see it on my profile.

By #146802 at 26,Sep,11 00:53
hello prencess. please rate mine

By Daniel at 31,May,11 14:16 other posts of Daniel 
hi princess what you think of mine?
By #154756 at 31,May,11 14:24
ok daniel, that a nice cock
lenght 3/5, a bit longer than average?
girth 3/5, some nice veins
glans 2/5, smooth head, but no mushroom
balls 3/5, nice firm hanging balls
pubes 3/5, nice fresh shaven

total 14/25, yes pretty nice... a bit over average
By #165791 at 16,Jun,11 15:27
see my cock

By #165791 at 16,Jun,11 15:25
se my cock then tell me you like or not

By #135959 at 16,Jun,11 13:47
Can you rate mine please

By #149243 at 10,Jun,11 05:13
hello this is young fresh virgin cock foreskin not removed how do u rate dat( i know it will be below average) lets see what u thnk....

By fancyabit at 10,Jun,11 03:03 other posts of fancyabit 
[deleted image]
hope you like girl

By #153287 at 09,Jun,11 14:41
Like feedback too, I can take criticism, thanks

By #88520 at 09,Jun,11 14:29
Me too

[deleted image]

By JeffinKS at 08,Jun,11 03:02 other posts of JeffinKS 
ok... what about mine?

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By itshepopei at 06,Jun,11 20:35 other posts of itshepopei 
thought id throw my own into this

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By princea at 06,Jun,11 17:43 other posts of princea 
hi littleprincess,id love to know what you think of mine???

By #22155 at 05,Jun,11 22:09
this is one of my favorites from my page, but you can use any of them to judge:

[deleted image]

thanks, princess!

By #71028 at 05,Jun,11 11:30
hope u can give mine a look

By #7435 at 01,Jun,11 19:03
What about me little Princess??
By #154756 at 02,Jun,11 18:14
length 3/5
girth 4/5
balls 3/5
glans 2,5/5
pubes 3/5

total 15,5/25
By #7435 at 03,Jun,11 05:36
Thank you

By Hanrahan17 at 03,Jun,11 02:36 other posts of Hanrahan17 
OK. Size me up please!

By bluemn7 at 03,Jun,11 01:10 other posts of bluemn7 
How about mine, princess?

please check them out....

By #33070 at 03,Jun,11 00:22
Hey I hope you like some of my earlier pics

By #128035 at 03,Jun,11 00:03
A lot of the dicks/packages are coming in at around the 14 or 15 mark. Can you please rate homemade and handheldguy?

By #128031 at 02,Jun,11 14:45

By #128035 at 02,Jun,11 00:35
Please can you rate me too?

By slutfinder69 at 02,Jun,11 00:04 other posts of slutfinder69 
Looks like your falling behind in your rankings - well, if you decide to catch up give me a rating too - Thanks.

By #122507 at 01,Jun,11 21:38
What's your verdict?

By bluemn7 at 01,Jun,11 05:02 other posts of bluemn7 
Here's mine for you to rank: (My profile doesn't have any pics showing my balls, but I swear I do have a pair)

By #7435 at 01,Jun,11 19:04

By steve8211 at 01,Jun,11 02:37 other posts of steve8211 
How about mine?

By #86818 at 01,Jun,11 02:26
What about mine ?

By Stiffcock47 at 31,May,11 16:07 other posts of Stiffcock47 
what you think of mine
By Stiffcock47 at 31,May,11 19:30 other posts of Stiffcock47 

By #166419 at 31,May,11 18:29
hiiii. what do u think about this cock?

[deleted image]

By #1047 at 31,May,11 14:36
maybe you should check,you might like ones better than some that i pick out
By #154756 at 31,May,11 14:48
length 2/5, just low average
girth 2/5, "
balls 2/5 a pretty tight sack
glans 3/5, nice round head
pubes 2/5 trimmed, but not as fine as the two above

total 11/25 thats ok... lower average
By #1047 at 31,May,11 14:49
shaved now,is that what you like?

By just16cm at 31,May,11 14:28 other posts of just16cm 
This could be fun
By #154756 at 31,May,11 14:37
length 3/5...16cm = high average
girth 4/5 pretty thick in the middle
glans 3/5 well formed, long head
balls 2/5 pretty tight sack
pubes 3/5 nice trimmed

total 15/25 yeah also a nice one
By just16cm at 31,May,11 14:42 other posts of just16cm 

By #48122 at 31,May,11 14:32
How's this one?

[deleted image]
[deleted image]

By #1047 at 31,May,11 14:30
so how do you want it? sent here?

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